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Posted by on 2013/04/17 under Uncategorized

I want to be loved and adored and feel that way about someone else. The only guys I have any interest in are unavailable for all kinds of reasons. It really sucks, and the guys who are currently interested in me, I don’t want to be anymore than friends. Why would I want to be with a guy who is irresponsible enough to have 5 dui’s? Why would I want to be with a guy who gets so jealous because I hang out with my friends when we aren’t even dating or even made any plans together to begin with, and called me a slut for talking to my gay best friend?? These guys are losers and I don’t want them. I’m in college and work, I’m not a druggie, I’m hot and funny and caring. Why do I attract weirdos?
It’s sad that the last time I felt like I loved someone was 5 years ago. I really want to feel that again.

One thought on “:(

  1. Anonymous says:

    just do what u does, the one comes with the time, just be patient.

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