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Posted by on 2014/12/17 under Uncategorized

I am so sick of feeling like and being told by people in todays society that I am not good enough, that I should (I quote from something someone has said to me) that I should “do everyone a favour and go shoot myself” what is wrong with society? where did we go wrong to get to this point where people think it’s a joke to tell someone to go and kill themselves when people do? where did everything go wrong? i’m a 13 year old girl and I seriously am so sick of the standards I have to reach but if i’m anything less i’m pathetic and if i’m anything more i’m c***y and stuck up. I got told by someone 2 days who I thought was a close and true friend that she said “lol, it’s funny, because I don’t even care about you and I never have.” SINCE WHEN DID IT BECOME OK TO SAY THAT SORT OF THING?! everyone wants to try and push each other to their mental limits but soon as someone breaks and gives up everyone doesn’t see why. I have gotten told that I am never going to be good enough for any guy to like me and that I should give up on ever wanting to have a relationship whether it be now or later on in life since no one has and no one ever will love me?! maybe i’m not pretty enough to be a Victoria secret model, maybe I weigh more or less than I should at a height of 5 feet 7 inches and weighing 46 kilograms, maybe i’m not smart enough, but no one should ever be able to tell me or anyone else for that matter that I will never and have never been loved or that people don’t care about me or that i’m a waste of space, because as hard as it has been for me to realise this especially recently, I am cared about and people do love me. that my life is worth living and I am here for a reason. so why do people feel like it’s okay to say otherwise to not just me but to so many other people to the extent that other people(not myself)end up suicidal, self harming or end up committing suicide? how many horrible suicides and deaths do there need to be before society realises that words and actions do actually hurt? why do we all end up feeling like were not good enough?

5 thoughts on “Good enough?

  1. Nomes says:

    “no one should ever be able to tell me or anyone else for that matter that I will never and have never been loved or that people don’t care about me or that i’m a waste of space, because as hard as it has been for me to realise this especially recently, I am cared about and people do love me. that my life is worth living and I am here for a reason”

    You are already half way there, Sunshine.
    Those words, that you wrote, already prove your inner strength and acceptance. You have always, and will always be good enough for anything you do in your life.

    Everyone is searching for something to believe in, somewhere to find answers. We all have reason love. Some never care to explore past what they know, and sadly, the light that once sparkled in their eyes is turned off, and they get lost.

    If you are being called down by someone , remember that YOU and even the person who is being mean all have things we are going through.. Emotions can be hard to explain.

    You must think about how you would like to feel, even if they are saying hurtful things, and be that positive light in a moment of darkness. Maybe you will spark a glimmer of hope for someone. Be an example of goodness.

    Never be tied down if you are meant to fly <3

    ( Hope that made sense :P) You are a sparkly diamond in this world of coal. Show it girl πŸ˜‰

    1. madzlove13 says:

      thank you so much πŸ™‚ I made perfect sense. everything you said was so very sweet and kind of you and made me smile. so thank you, it’s really good advice πŸ™‚

      1. Nomes says:

        Now you have made me smile πŸ˜€ Hope you are well and Happy Holidays πŸ™‚

  2. madzlove13 says:

    hope you are too, happy holidays πŸ˜€

  3. MountainManKev says:

    People that treat others unkindly and say mean, hurtful things are really quite miserable in their own skin. Remember this, 99% of these hateful ppl cry themselves to sleep every night. Happy, content, people don’t spew forth all that crap. Ignore the mean humans, enjoy the loving people.

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