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Posted by on 2015/05/07 under Uncategorized

Everyday we see commercials, magazines, advertisements, movies, shows, music videos and pretty much all of them say you must be a certain size, shape and etc. to be attractive. Who in the hell started this? Why would someone set guidelines for people on what is pretty. I mean there are even designers that refuse to make bigger sizes. So here’s my mindset, everyone is beautiful as long as you have a beautiful heart. No matter what size,shape,color everyone is beautiful. If you’re upset that you don’t look like those models remember you’re unique no one is like you. Why be like everyone else when you can step out of the crowd? Be the flamingo in the flock of pigeons. And don’t only think this about yourself think of this for others too, if we all spread the self esteem the world would be so much happier.

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