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Posted by on 2015/01/03 under Uncategorized

I woke up this morning…or I should say afternoonish (11am) to my Mum smacking me on the leg raising her voice saying “Don’t you f***ing talk back to me”
Maybe I was half asleep or maybe she’s crazy but I don’t remember doing anything but sleeing, man, I bet it was both.
Anyways she’s been pissed at me for the majority of the day. Great. Happy Saturday to me.
My fake friends haven’t answered my texts, like usual, and I have nohing to do, like the usual.
My younger sister who is weirder, dumber and even more of a scrub than me is having a great time in our high school whereas, 4 years into school, I am still suffering with making friends and trying to have a social life but f*** it, I’ll make friends when I leave schoool. No biggie.
2015, you will be the death of me.

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