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Posted by on 2014/12/19 under Uncategorized

I’ve always hated how I look. Pretty much everyone does. I’ve lost 2 pants sizes and am more confident in how I look but I still get those bursts of sadness when I feel like I’m fat. I know I’m not. I went from a size 10 to 5 in just 4 months. My best friend even told me he sees a difference and I look really good. I know guys dont only like the ‘skinny girls’. I’m curvy and I have an ass and I’ve had alot of guys hit on me and I’ve had a boyfriend who never once talked about me being ‘fat’, so I dont know why I cant just accept myself. I try to but I always fall short.

One thought on “Self confidence

  1. Leslie says:

    one thing i have learned in life is that you first have to believe in yourself because the years will fade and your appearance and your body will too but what will never leave into oblivion is what you left as person in the hearts of people and what good things you have done , i know that you want to be skinny and have an amazing body but i personally feel like you need to accept yourself and tell yourself your beautiful and the people who truly love you will look pass it all because i used to be “fat” and i thought i wasn’t the prettiest but i went got in shape so i could feel good and made sure my bmi was good and i thought im not “fat” because i dont meet societies standard size 1 and im not ugly either because i dont look like those girls with tons of makeup im just me nothing less and nothing more but i think a cliche as it sounds true beauty is on the inside because no matter how skinny you are and how much body you have if your shallow on the inside nothing counts

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