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Posted by on 2015/01/03 under Uncategorized

I’m tired of being treated differently all because I am a black girl. So this goes out to all my girls out there. You are beautiful just the way you are. Dont change your skin colour for anyone. God made you that way for a reason. He made us that way for a reason.

All because we are “black” does not mean we are made to be sex slaves.

All beacuse we are black does not mean we have no right to express ourselves.

All because we are black does not mean we should live off of prostitution.

All beause we are black does not mean we are not humans.

All because we are black does not mean we should have sex because a man demands it and we have no choice.

We will always have a choice.

All because we are black does not mean we have to live off what man bring into the house.

All because we are black does not mean we should sucumb to whatever anyone demands and asks of us.

These guys after seeing what they want from you, your body, they start acting kindly, asking you questions about topics that they know you love, treat you like you are the only woman on earth and you are so carried away because you think you have found your guy, your man, not knowing that after they get what they want, you become nothing to them leaving you to deal with the scars while they go out to look for another prey to fall upon. We are just being betrayed by men who know us, and then they still expect us to submit like good obedient dogs at the feet of their master…but what’s funny is that some of us see it coming but we tend to overlook it because we have put in so much trust in them. Women tend to forget everything about their personal rights in the presence of a man who could apparently be considered a rapist, esspecially if he has been considered a friend. And after all this as happened, as we walk by a coffee house trying to manage our scars, we see them with someone we know no matter how hard you warn, they just dont listen and the whole cycle starts again. We see them, become friends with them, go on a date, then the next you have him over for dinner and what you get is being rapped in your own house.

Black women’s misery is a direct result of the moral decline among Black Men. Men and Women were created to live co-dependent lifestyles but the Black men can no longer be depended on; can’t trust them with your heart or life, they continuously destroy both. They eat the food we cook, but won’t marry us. They wear clothes we wash, but don’t marry us. They appreciate our kind words of support and encouragement, but they don’t marry us. They sleep with us, but don’t marry us. They give us children, but don’t marry us. They take our love and feminine wiles…but do not honor us as women. The problem is the moral decline of Black men. Men who feel exempted from the responsiblities of manhood. Black men have relinquished their purpose, to marry, create a family and a legacy to continue their lineage. They have dashed their God-given purpose to pieces.

I need you guys and girls reading this t please watch the movie For Colored Girls part1 and part 2. Then you’ll really understan what I’m talking about.

But honestly why have sex if you’re scared of being pregnate. Condoms are not 100% protetive. Why comit abortion? DO you know how many couples are praying to have kids, at least just one? THis breaks my heart. It hurts me much more than you can imagine. What is going on with our generation? We dont even care about abortion anymore. Abortion makes you a murder. A fetus is a living thing, why do you? And please, mothers should STOP taking their your girls fir abortion for fear of shame. WHAT is done is done. Please help our girls. Help our young black girls.

Not all black guys are like this. I know this becaue I have seen my father. I may not comply with all the things he says but I know the things he says to me are for my own good. He has never abused me or cused at my mum or even my brothers before.

It is said train up a child in the way he or she should grow and they will not depart from it.

From a 16 year old black girl.

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