Site icon Somewhere To Write


I’m not intended to live, I know that, but why am I alive, what is making me live? I’m sick, I don’t know with what, all I know is the pain I keep feeling, its real, it burns. But why does that mean I have to put up with it. The stomach pains, the chest pains, the breathing problems, the headaches, the burning heat swelling inside me, the insufferable pain that’s caused by simple movement. It all hurts. But it doesn’t matter. Not when I see the things that shouldn’t be there. I shouldn’t see anything, but instead I see green glowing stars fall from the sky. I feel pain swimming throughout my body making it a torture chamber. My lungs, attacking, my heart burning. My head aching. Nothing is human, and nothing…NOTHING! is every forever. Not the sun, not the planets, not people, not love. Its all nothing. Just words, just pain. Its all pain in the end. But as you can clearly see, there is no hope for me anymore anyway. To much element of pain. You’d all say “Go to the damn doctor!” But its not that simple, not when your like me. I shouldn’t be alive. Everything falls with me. Everything. I’m 14 years old and my knees are giving up, I’ve had surgery on them already. I won’t live. My chances are thin. As a 14 year old girl in the USA, you’d all think I’m delusional and dramatic, but not all acts are delusions. I’m dead. By the time you read this, if any actually do, I’ll be dead, because, I was never here. Just a breath of air that you never notice. Gone.

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