Site icon Somewhere To Write

I want to write my thoughts – Does everyone think this way? Would someone want to know mine?

Today was full of excitement and adventure- nothing too spectacular but worth visiting- I realized tonight that I’m not the only one that thinks the way I do- I wonder one day if my children will be anything like me- Do I want children?-I’d like to be able to go anywhere I want- but I’d also love to witness what half of me is like- Isn’t it beautiful that two people can create a child that is literally half them and half whomever they’ve slept with- Is conforming to marriage closing your mind- I think it could be only if you didn’t find your true love- Is there such thing- How can you decide on one person to be a part of the rest of your life- I sometimes wonder if I‘d be best living my own life- I hate that when you meet someone you can’t stop thinking about- That you don’t ever know if the other feels the same way- I have a problem with setting my hopes up too high- Can you ever have too high of hopes- Isn’t it silly that all your life you’re told that you can achieve anything if you put your mind too it- It’s only a true statement if you have the skill for what you love and want to do for the rest of your life- If you knew your future would you try to change it?- Could it be changed- It IS your future- I ponder about my simplicity- I have so many ideas and thoughts- Will they ever come to be truth?- I think about how others live- What they say- Why they are a certain way- It blows my mind that something awful could be said to me today and not affect me like it would if I were still a child- You shape a persons life every day- That’s a hard concept to wrap your mind around- What I do today could make a smile- a life time- a memory- You are responsible- But you never know what all for.

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