Site icon Somewhere To Write


I’m trying really hard to not judge anything in a negative way. Everything has beauty and purpose and everybody has flaws and things that only they can bring to this world. And I think self-acceptance is a huge problem for our generation right now. We should all try to better ourselves, yes, but it comes to a point where it turns into obsession. People need to realise that people like other people who love themselves and trust themselves and I gues our generally happy. That is true beauty. Not a perfect person, because when you see someone who has flaws it’s like you just immediatly over look them, because they have this shining confidence. It’s weird how you do that to other people and then you start asking yourself why you don’t have a partner, it’s because you don’t trust, respect, and love yourself. And if you don’t figure it out now, when are you going to? START A REVOLUTION, LOVE YOURSELF! Love everything, even if you hate it. STOP hating and stop judging other people, get to know everyone no matter what. There is a beautiful person in everyone, and everyone’s just looking for someone to go find theres.

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