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Just two days ago my 12 year old sister had to have a balloon cath put into one of her heart valves to try to clear up some blockage. Luckily it was successful and took the blockage from 80% down to 14%. The very next day my fiance of two years gets an eco done on her heart come to find out she has an aneurysm in her aorta that has to be fixed along with leakage in another valve. Open heart surgery is required before mid next week. I’ve been so stressed out trying to be strong for her and my family for my sister. I’m a 24 year old man and all i want to do is cry. I look at my fiance and theres nothing short of my absolute world laying in front of me. This woman is my everything, and i would give anything to switch positions with her. She has been through so many things and all i ask for are prayers. Pray for her, my family and her family because we need it. I came across this website hoping to maybe find some sort of blogging website because i needed this off my chest. As much as i think about it all i want to do is take her, pick up our dogs and go home and enjoy each others company like we would do any other day of the week. I’m not saying the surgery wont go well, I’ve been praying to god that it does and the drs are confident it will as well. So please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

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