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Take Control…but how?

I’m hoping to do a better job of opening myself to loving myself and trying to accept myself. I think I treat myself pretty damn s***ty. I allow myself to settle far to often. I really do want more for myself. I just allow myself to get caught up on things in my past. I might close one chapter, but I always feel the need to peek back at it. Or to try and leave a bookmark in it so that I can turn back to it when I need to. It’s kind of sick, and sad, and depressing to be real. I think it handicaps me more than anything to be honest. I jump as soon as I see someone from my past reaching out to me. I try and CLING to them for that last little bit of hope that maybe there is something salvageable in all of the wreckage…And the thing is, there usually never is. So I continue to fall into this perpetual cycle where I get hurt or feel hurt or end up taking not just 2 steps back, but MULTIPLE steps back.

I want to take charge of my life. I want to MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. But what do you do, when you feel that way, but you don’t know how to take that first step?

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