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Is it not loud enough

Am I tired of you; am I tired of us? A flower would be nice. A ‘’hey baby lets go to the movies today.” But no that imaginary that’s what I call make believe. Give me a kiss once in a while. That would be great you know. How about a bear hug, I love that babe. But once again it’s my dream I wish you made come true. Im there for you through it all why can’t you be with me give me a call once in a while. Tell me how much you care and love me. Wait do you love me? It’s hard to tell with that mask you have on hiding your emotions. Wait happened to you? You used to ask how I was I doing and you used to tell me how much you loved that I loved you?? Is it gone is t still there, show it to me babe I still love you I’m still here I haven’t given up have you! Or is it just me, being unsure of the world at this précised moment I love you honey, I do. But why haven’t you kissed me why haven’t you answered to that voice in my head and all those crazy thoughts I have? Is it not loud enough?

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