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Abortion thought: upset by a loss that was my decision

I decided abortion was the best when I was 17. I didn't think I'd regret it as much as I do. But… it was my only option.I hate that now I know I am going be be with the the father of that child for the rest of my life and I wish we had the ability to keep our child. It kills me that when we have kids I will know that we are missing one because of poor timing. I wish I was able to tell my parents. they still don't know. I wish never saw the picture of my baby before it was ripped from me. I wish I didn't have to make that decision. I wish people accepted abortion. I wish the world was accepting enough for me to be able to not feel scared or ashamed to tell my story. I hope one day I have the strength to tell it. I thought time would heal me but I feel so stuck. Im glad I made the decision I did but I regret it at the same time. The what ifs kill me. Knowing I could have a baby rn hurts me. I just knew I needed to go to school first so I could provide for my children. I didn't want them to suffer or not get the best or what they need and deserve. I just wish people understood. But… NO ONE UNDERSTANDS ABORTION UNLESS THEY HAVE GONE THROUGH IT…. I wish people would acknowledge that.

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