Site icon Somewhere To Write

I tried getting my friend to go into the cemetery with me. She would go in. I told her it was okay and I tried to make her see what I saw. But she can’t see what I see. It seems no one can. Think deeper. And realize that we know nothing! That everything is horrible and every thing that people make is a failer and a mistake in this world. Where’s the nature? The beauty of life? Where did it all go? What did they do with it?!? I can’t feel the water from the rain on my chest and face, I can’t feel the 30 degree cold beating my bear legs. It’s nothing and I can’t stand this world anymore. You, my love, you keep me here! You force me with the guilt, “i can’t live without you!”, “I can’t go on”, “I need you”, “your my only reason anymore..”. Why did I ever even tell you? I must have wanted you to worry, or talk me out of it.. I’m a horrible person that doesn’t deserve you. And I’m so horrible I deserve to live in this horrid world. You say it’s for the better, that one day we will be together, we will be happy. But I cant wait! And your just punishing me by keeping me here. Aren’t you? Come with me, stay with out me, go, leave, make something, be something, or don’t. It’s all your choice. And mines being swayed. Constantly. By you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and YOU!!!! All to stay. But this world, heart, and brain all tell me “get the f*** out of this s*** place!” it’s never to late so I’ll keep thinking. I’ve thought for a year. I can think for a few more.

Everyone should have a reason. And my reason isn’t good enough anymore. Find something I suppose. Something better. And cherish it. For whatever it can give everything could always be worse.

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