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Gosh its getting harder again…. Your all i can think about… Your all I want…. Your all I need… your all i desire….. Your all I long for but sadly your what I cant have…..Our chats are on again off again and that makes it hard… I just want to talk to you all day… It is made so much harder when your chats are one or two word replies….They give nothing away…. No insight into what your thinking feeling or really trying to say….. and thats the hard part…. most of our chats are a guessing game as to how or what you are thinking and feeling…. I found myself lying to you today just to try and work out if you cared….And still I am unsure so as they say “lying gets you no where”………My heart tells me you care but my brain tells me different….. so yes I believe my heart…. I let my heart rule my brain….Is that so wrong?? Its only a couple of months of our 5 yr anniversary of meeting and still there has been no real “moments” between us…..A few heated ones but nothing to go OMG over…. and yet you still talk to me…. I find this amazing considering d5 yrs ago we were nothing to each other… just two strangers….. and yet with the lack of physical moments between us we still hang on in there…. so obviously there must be something there between us otherwise a young male like yourself would have left when he discovered that the moments werent coming thick and fast….I hang for that day for our moment of glory… And i know it will come…i just need to take a leap and do it……Daniel i want you to be my world i want you to be my everything….. I love you I miss you i adore you I WANT YOU xxxx MLD<3DMF

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