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Real Kids

Hi, my name is Claudia. I am 11 years old and I am going to write about what really goes on in my class. You proboubly think kids my age are talking about shows on disney channell, but let me be the one to tell you your wrong. Most of the kids in my class watch family guy. Not only that but they also curse at each other and get into fist fights. Weather you believe me or not my school is catholic. There is far much worse than that going on. Like this girl named Abby in my class. Abby was dating this guy named Mike, and they not only kissed but Abby gave him a lapdance. All I could think was why would she do that, and why would she purpously act like a slut. Not to menchean when two girls in my class named Deajah and Heather started talking about how they both wear thongs right in front of the boys. There is also a girl named Gianna. Other than Brianna,Bahiya,Heather, and Deajah no one likes Gianna including me. She curses people out of every conversation. One time Brianna had cruches,and Gianna got so mad at me she took one cruch and hit me with it. So I took the other and hit her back. Some of the teachers there were so stupid they didn’t even notice what we were doing. This isn’t the first time Gianna bullyed me. She has been bullying me since first grade. For sixth grade I am going to a different school, but Gianna was accepted to the same school as me. Looks like my nightmare continues.

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