Site icon Somewhere To Write


okay, listen, future lover – i am ready.

i have been denouncing love, or "puppy love", for years now. So maybe you didn't get the memo that I am, in fact, ready for you now. Or ready for me being in love with you. OK – not entirely true. I still don't know what I am doing. And being in love or having someone in love with you still sounds alien and scary. And I am definitely procrastinating some real work I have to do by writing here, BUT. but. I am ready to try. Maybe the first person that comes up my road may not be you, but I am ready – SO READY – for people to unconditionally love me and cheer for me and force me to let that part of me breathe too. I know I am great, I am going to try to let the doors down a bit so someone can enter. I hope you're great for me, and I hope you're right//come by soon! Let's get this started.

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