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Self-harm, is a way of expressing deep distress. A lot of people don’t know why they self-harm. It’s a means of communicating what can’t be put into words. It can be used as a release. See people assume if someone is self-harming they want to kill themselves, that’s not the case though for many people. Like I said its used as a release. For that moment where someone is self harming, they forget all their troubles. They’re focused on the pain they’re inflicting on themselves. It’s hard for people to understand, usually you have to experience it to know. But after they harm, they feel like they’re able to cope again. Like they can face the world for one more day. I’m not saying once you self-harm you feel better. It’s a way of coping. There’s many forms of self harm, cutting your wrists seems to be the most common, but people burn themselves, hit themselves until they have bruises and they take harmful things into their body. They’re dealing with something in a way they can’t comprehend. It can become almost addictive, they want the release it brings. People think its attention seeking or ’emo’ to harm yourself. These people are ignorant. The people who self-harm will do almost anything to hide the marks they have left, they’re ashamed, or upset, they don’t want the attention it brings. Calling someone ’emo’ for self harming is f***ing ridiculous. Harming yourself is not some sort of ‘trend’ its a serious illness. That someone’s so depressed they will inflict pain on themselves thinking it will make it all better. How dare you think you have the right to label someone for it. I think people should read this so that they understand.

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