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Never Give Up On Life

When you feel like there is no way out. When you feel all is hopeless. Just believe.
Life is a gift, and whether you realise it or not you are blessed to have this gift. There will be times in your life when you will feel down. Times when you will feel hopeless. We all face these times. But these times will only make you a better person.

When your feeling down, take the time to look around you.
There is people of all different ages, all growing old. Some of these are dying due to illnesses such as cancer, aids, etc. They have had to face the reality that life is not endless, these people would give anything to have more time.

Embrace each day.
If you don’t one day you’ll look back and find you are less than whole, never achieving dreams you once had. People will try and convince you not to follow your dreams. Don’t listen to them. Your dreams are what drive you. If you don’t have dreams you’ll forever wonder your purpose in life. You were made for a purpose, your life isn’t worthless.

Remember those around you.
Your life is not only about you. How you act affects those around you. A snide remark at someone might cause someone’s mood to change. That then gets taken out on someone else. However, a simple smile or complement might just save someones life. The power you have over other people is amazing. Little things cause big changes.

Be thankful for what you have.
Life is precious. If your sulking over some physical possession you don’t have, remember there is a child somewhere starving who would give anything just to eat.

If your thinking of ending your life DONT!
No matter how bad things seem, no matter what you have done, taking your life is not the answer. Some will call it selfish, others will say your worthless. The reality is you have a gift. The best gift you could ever wish for. There’s always a way to make things better, to patch things up. If your feeling rejected -it’ll pass. If you think you can never be forgiven – you can. If you think there is no other way out – there is.

Your not alone.
When your think there is no one that cares, your just not looking hard enough. There is always someone that cares. It might be a family member, a Wife, Husband, Child, pet or someone at the end of a crisis support line. If your down in the dumps just chat to someone about how you feel. It’ll make you feel much better.

What ever you do never give up on life.
You can take things for granted or do something to actively change your state of mind. Set a goal, punch a wall, yell out your window. It all starts with you to change your life.

I wrote this post as it worries the amount of people visiting this site in a depressed and helpless state. Know that this post is for you, I care for you. If this post helped you please share it as there might be someone you know also ready to give up on life. Tell everyone you know – Never Give up on Life.

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