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I do not like my dad at all!!!….he is such a difficult person to live with….He's just so ugh, he's such a loser, such a BIG loser!!!…I thought it's because I am a teenager, I am feeling this way but NO!!! Before me entering this teenage drama , I have ALWAYS FELT that he was , is and will be sorry pathetic loser!!… seeing him makes me wish that I wouldn't and shouldn't have children in near future, coz you know the genes he passed, I don't want another living being to suffer from that!!!!….He's never taught me to make decisions or always took decisions for me, never, ever MENTORED me or tried to teach or tell me the ways of the world out there , NEVER!! Suddenly one day he tell me to make decision about my career and when I failed at it and me still suffering from the consequences he bloody taunts and criticises and scolds me !! I mean tf? I really dont like him….there's a difference between hating and not liking a person ….

P.S:- I realised that I am just like my dad , while writing this thingy here , long assed one, but hey! Atleast I don't take out my pent up emotions on others like He does…I SWEAR HE IS SUUCH A BIGG LOSER …AND WHAT I HATE MORE IS THAT I ALSO AM A LOSER !!!

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