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is it possible to end work at 5

hmm i don't know. for now, 4 months into the job, i can't. I work till 6:30pm, and i even reply some emails at night, and i sometimes work on saturday too so that i don't feel overwhelmed on monday.

if by 12 months into the job, i still can't, then that's it. i will move to another job – because this one i work every f***ing minute from early morning and i can't still finish my work after 10 hours then f*** it. no amount of money can justify it.

it's f***ing worse than most of the jobs out there for sure.

i won't know for sure if the next company i join will be better but there is a very high chance it will be. of course it's still tough to find a well paid job, i really need to earn at least $5k per month by next year – whether by staying in the same job or moving to another job.

and i have to continue fiercely saving so that i can accumulate money as fast as possible.

i was very hopeful earlier this year that crypto could expedite the process, but now with the crypto winter, i have to go back to my original plan which will take me 6 more years.

làm gì thì làm, nếu mình có rời khỏi công việc này thì cũng phải tìm đc công việc khác trả $5.1/tháng nếu ko thì ko chuyển – vì nói chung mình thấy đi làm thuê toàn thời gian nói chung là hên xui lắm nè, có đc cty tốt không, có đc sếp tốt không, có đc đồng nghiệp tốt, công việc có tốt ko, khách hàng có tốt ko, etc. ko ôi giời ơi nhiều variables lắm để có đc công việc ổn nên là lương cao mình mới chuyển ko thì chịu khó thêm mấy năm rồi nghỉ hẳn cmn luôn. \o/

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