Site icon Somewhere To Write

Im drowning.

There's so much hurt in the world. How am I supposed to cope. I'm not sure what to do anymore. I'm drowning in an ocean but everyone thinks I'm afloat. I can't escape my thoughts, they keep me down and still, I'm stuck. At the bottom of the ocean, I drown unable to get back up of fear that the sharks will come for me. If the sharks come for me what am I to do let them tear me up into small pieces of my existence? but they won't listen. They won't stop, I'm tired, I'm scared, I'm dying. I can't swim up, it's not possible. I'm out of luck. But the shark swims near me trying to get me to wake up, but I'm afraid he'll eat me and swallow me up. Up up, I'll never get back up. They taunt me and tease me one second and the next they want to be my friend. They're unpredictable the way they glide through the blue, swimming closer and closer then turning their back on you. They have two halves of their character, one that is a predator and one that wants to be loved. But the loving part is barely shown you see they usually are alone. And you could never tell if they love you or not because they are so subtle and quick like the predator they are.It's very quite impossible to be loved by the sharks where I live because if I remind you of the subtle small love they show is not very heard because they truly don't mean it at all. So, i'm still drowning because they don't love me, they fake it to prove it, not to mean it. So, I'll just let go. This time I'm going up. I'm not sure how but things are changing, out of the ocean I go, into twinkling lights, I'm surrounded by them. I'm floating in a mysterious place but it's quiet and I feel a sense of peace. I don't feel anything at all, it's like a dream in which I am home.

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