Site icon Somewhere To Write

There’s something seriously wrong with people

I went on this website novni and here trying to vent and talk about things that were on my mind or what I was going through. My posts where about exes or my feelings of what I was dealing with in my life. Somebody somehow new who I was although I posted anonymously. They started harassing me by saying things that they knew I would know. They even mentioned my Facebook and how my smirk and mouth looked, I had my Facebook deleted at this time, so I then went on my Facebook and logged in for a day to see if they were talking about me. After that they posted again that I had opened up my Facebook account so they had confirmed that they were targeting me. They then started acting as if I had harassed them or done something horrible to them, which I have not. Somehow they decided it was justifiable to stalk me in real life and on these Anonymous websites. They have also tried to make me look in a certain light because they put up some weird pedophile s*** along with stuff they knew about me, I was molested so I thought it was targeting me when they mentioned the pedophile thing, I would fire back feeling attacked because I was molested. I didn't realize that I would look like I was firing back because I had some weird guilt. I truly just was triggered because I was molested when I was a young girl and I felt as if the posts were pointed towards me along with being sickening. I have saved some of these threatening, vulgar, harassing posts for future use. They continue with the sick posts and occasionally harassing me. Telling me that their police family members are going to do something to me. I sadly even think that they got a little following group online to go along with their craziness and harass me. This is most likely an ex that I hurt when I was 18 and his new girl. I have told several people about what is happening to me, I just don't know if I should take it to the authorities. Online the harassment doesn't stop. They have even drove past my house and went to the places that I workout at. I know that they both have arrest records and it would be easy to get a restraining order against them. It's even to the point where I occasionally get death threats online and they drop little hints that is towards me. These are people in their 30s harassing me and getting other people online to join in. I really don't know why they did this to me or why harassment continues.

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