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Monday, 15 July 2019

Apparently my beliefs can't unite with my family. After they keep pushing some outdated opinions of fashion and gender norms on me and my siblings. [Still angry that Chimdinma was stopped by them from taking carpentry because they felt girls shouldn't do carpentry. Even when she qualified for the class and was given the go-ahead from the teacher]
I want to keep my poor social life separate from family.
I'll talk one way to outsiders and friends. Talk another way to siblings and talk another (usually inaudible uninterested) way to parents. And since their beliefs make them immune to sadness by my disappearance, I guess I don't have to speak more about them.

I'm getting worse at school. Can't seem to concentrate on studying what matters for the mathematical courses. Can't solve problems on my own any longer. Almost as if I've reached the end of my ability to comprehend new math info.
As for my economics course. Wasn't serious with it. Could read it just to answer the quiz questions and did some reasoning at exams. Same for philosophy.
Even after controlling for supposed social media distractions, I'm still not sticking with the books.

To my friends and acquaintances, I can just say thanks. I couldn't be too open to some of you. I was a bit more opened to some (especially Camille [aka Ivah], Robert, Shane and the rest of Freethinkers' Social) though I withheld some things due to embarrassment or because they were my fault e.g poor grades
—–Tournel Henry

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