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As she slowly melted into bed the breeze rushed through the cracked window. Fall was slowly creeping into season. The cold air made her fragile body shake uncontrollably. Pulling the throw blanket up she heard the horn from the punctual train that passed every evening. Sipping from her lidded drink the pressure built making a buzzing noise. Once again she was left alone with her overactive mind. Looking at shadows slowly transform into creatures that frighten and yet delight. Getting an eerie feeling she glanced over to make sure her grandma was still sleeping in the twin bed next to her. There she was breathing heavily out of her now toothless mouth. Her cheeks and lips flapping when she exhales. Reminding the girl of a horse “giving the raspberries”. These moments are the one's that she misses. Feeling safe, loved, just spending time together, like when they had watermelon seed spitting tournaments, watching baseball games in her backyard, how she always washed my hair in the kitchen sink. Never seeing her in that last year was soul crushing.

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