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Release Limiting Beliefs and Heal Ancestors with Send Back Technique

Part energy distance healing, part invocation, prayer, or decree, Send Back Technique allows you to change for yourself and for your ancestors any belief systems or destructive ways of thinking you have acquired from them, past lives, and present life experience.We all have beliefs and thought patterns inside of us that our conscious thinking minds are only dimly aware of. These habitual and hardened ways of thinking and perceiving are different than what we openly espouse, endorse logically, or hold by conviction. These patterns are housed in our cellular memory, our Energy Bodies, and our Inner Minds; the eternal, non-logical, creative, spiritual/emotional part of our consciousness. They are a significant part of what determines our behaviors, feelings, repeating thoughts, life outcomes, and even the running of our physical bodies. These beliefs and patterns of thinking have come to us in many ways.

Where do beliefs come from?

Some beliefs and patterns of thought were directly taught to us by our parents and other adults by their repeatedly saying things to us like: "Good people should feel bad when they make mistakes" or “WE don’t do (that).” When rejection, judgment, shame, guilt, or punishment was added as reinforcement, these patterns became burned into our very cells. We learned how to think and believe from the society we grew up in, as family, school, church, the media, and popular culture repeatedly taught us that we were never good enough. We also absorbed the energy and consciousness of negative or fearful patterns by mimicking what we saw and felt our parents feel, think, and do, often “learning” beliefs without any words at all, directly from their auras, the subtle energy and consciousness radiation from their bodies.

Other beliefs and patterns came to us silently and non-verbally directly through our DNA from our ancestors, their life experience and ways of seeing the world accumulated, encoded, and handed down on those tiny bits of physical matter carefully passed from one generation to the next. Beliefs and ways of thinking about money, power, sexuality, forgiveness, etc., may be a part of every cell of our body and our onboard operating system.

We are also infused with outmoded survival beliefs and patterns of faulty logic that are holdovers from our species’ ancient past. They are instinctual; embedded in the primitive parts of our brain and remaining in place from a time when life was dangerous and little more than a daily struggle to stay alive in a hostile world. They no longer serve us well in a modern world that is relatively safe by comparison.

Additional beliefs and thought patterns have been retained in the very fabric of our Soul from our own past life experiences and have become karmic, doomed to be repeated until they are seen for the falsehoods they are and released. Still other fear-based beliefs and ways of reasoning we just plain made up when we were children and didn’t have the intellectual power to understand the built-in polarities and conflicts of the adult world around us because they were so different than our soul knowing.

All of these deep-seated beliefs fly in the face of what we know of ourselves, God, and the natural world around us in our “heart-of-hearts” and create psychic tension, causing us to become confused, dissociated, disconnected, and to forget who we really are. They hold us back in Life because they seem at least partly true and somehow part of our very makeup.

Have you been feeling like you were in some kind of prison that kept you from becoming who you really are, what you know yourself to be in your heart and Soul? The beliefs and thought patterns within your Inner Mind, body cells, and Soul memory about yourself, others, and the world around you are some of the bars of that prison. Saying affirmations may not help you to change at all if every time you say, "I am good, loved, and protected", some part of you puts a big red ‘X’ through it and says, "Oh no I’m NOT!" At best, affirmations may only install a counter belief or mental construct along with the limiting one, causing more conflict and confusion.

Sometimes our inner beliefs and silent thought patterns are in conflict even with each other, draining our energy and creating disharmony within us. We have found that our "beliefs" tend to be more emotional and our "thoughts” more based on “reasons”. (Even if the reasons are illogical ones!) What we "believe we believe" may be totally opposite of what we "think we think" and one or both may be out of alignment with the knowing of our Soul and what we consciously desire. These overwhelmingly negative patterns control our perception, feelings, reactions, and help determine the life outcomes we manifest.

The good news is that there is now a way to clear yourself of Life-Limiting beliefs and patterns of thought and permanently replace them with Life-Affirming ones: Send Back Technique™. Born at The Mesa Creative Arts Center and Mesa Healing Center in Burgettstown, PA, (Near Pittsburgh, in the Southwest corner of Pennsylvania) Send Back Technique™ is a powerful way to bring change into your life by allowing your thoughts and beliefs to become more fluid and changing your mind about yourself and the rest of Creation.

How do we discover our silent inner beliefs and thoughts?

Send Back Technique™ starts with using your awareness of yourself and the world around you to discover your silent inner beliefs and habitual thoughts. You can find clues all around you:

What reoccurring outcomes have you been getting that you don’t really want? We manifest through the energy we put out. What thoughts or beliefs might be setting you up for those outcomes?
Are you automatically reacting in negative ways in particular situations? What inner fears might be driving those behaviors?
When do you feel fear, doubt, or lack of esteem? Were you always that way? What does you intuition say?
Have you observed yourself thinking, talking, or acting like your parents or grandparents?
Where might your life-limiting thoughts and beliefs have come from? Your childhood experience, what you were taught, your DNA, or a past life?

If they’re silent, how do I figure out what beliefs and thought patterns I actually carry?

An integral part of Send Back Technique™ and the “magnifying glass” we use to examine these clues is Kinesiology (muscle testing). This simple physical body response system gives us a peep hole into our deepest nature. It relies on the fact that what is true, healthy, healing, life-affirming, or in agreement with our true nature will make our body’s energy systems run in the forward direction and make our muscles strong. What is false, unhealthy, harmful, life-limiting, or in conflict with our true nature will make our energies run backwards and make our muscles weak. Once we get to know and trust this gift, we can use this amazing mind/body function as a rudimentary “truth detector” to get the answers to simple YES or NO questions from our non-verbal inner selves or our Healing Guides. In this way we can determine what beliefs or mental patterns we hold out of logical awareness but are present on the mind/body/emotion level. These beliefs and thoughts may be totally opposite to what our verbal minds "thought" we believed.

So what do I do to release the old patterns that have been plaguing me and my family for generations?

To heal and release old, fear-based beliefs and hardened thoughts, we send our copy of the energy pattern, consciousness, and structure back through our entire ancestral line to the Violet Fire (a spiritual, all consuming flame of truth) to be transmuted (e.g., cleared, cleansed, rendered harmless, and recycled). As it goes along it collects each ancestor’s copy as well. We then send the energy, consciousness, and structure of a new, Love-based belief or way of thinking back to all of our ancestors and ourselves to be put in its place.

Part energy distance healing, part invocation, prayer, or decree, Send Back Technique™ allows you to change for yourself and for your ancestors any belief systems or destructive ways of thinking you have acquired from them, past lives, and present life experience. It sends healing back to your entire ancestral line at the same time and improves the flow of energy coming to you via your ancestral chain. This remarkable change is achieved through the recitation (out loud) of the Send Back Invocation™ that was channeled and fine tuned by Brad Silberberg, Minister, Healer, and Co-Director of The Mesa Healing Center, but you can use your own intention and wording. Saying some words out loud help you to focus your intention and attention, which generates and moves more energy. You will be making a declaration, a proclamation, stating your intent for the negative pattern to be Sent Back through all of your ancestors and then a second one to send a new belief pattern to them for each to keep. Imagine the process like this:

Envision a long line of people—all of your ancestors from your mother’s and father’s sides of your family going all the way back to your first truly Human ones that made the transition to Homo sapiens by choosing to stand upright. This line snakes for miles over hill and dale off into the distance. Each ancestor is holding a box in their hands– a box of dung. This dung represents Life-limiting, fear-based beliefs or ways of thinking acquired in various ways that have accumulated and been passed to each successive generation. Your ancestors know it stinks, but it is their (and your) legacy and a matter of family pride. (“Yes, it’s s***, but it’s OUR s***!”) They are tired of carrying it around, but haven’t known how to get rid of it.

Now imagine going down the line with a wheel barrow and collecting the boxes from each one. (You’d do this in Spirit Time, so it takes no time at all!) Each of your ancestors thanks you for helping them release this burden they are so tired of carrying, yet didn’t know how to put down. When you get to the end of the line and collect the last box, you dump it all in a pile, set it on fire and burn it— purifying and recycling the whole thing. Every one is so relieved and happy but standing empty handed. This is the first part of the Invocation of Send Back Technique™.

In the second part of the Invocation, see yourself going back to the front of the line and taking the tiller of a wagon full of gifts wrapped in bright paper, each box containing new, Life-Affirming, Love-based beliefs and heart-centered ideas. This time you go down the line and give each ancestor several of the gifts. They each, in turn, give you a warm hug and express love and heartfelt gratitude. At some point along the line, looking back over your shoulder, you notice something curious happening toward the front of the line. Your ancestors are giving some of the gifts to other people not in the line who are related to THEM, but are not your direct ancestors. You continue on, quickly going all the way to the end of the line, giving out gifts, all the way back to your first ancestors who stood upright as human beings. Thinking your work is now done, you go back to the front of the line, where you are ASTONISHED to find that all of your ancestors have passed gifts forward and put them in a pile waiting there for YOU. Somehow, the pile seems to contain more gifts than you gave out.

Who does it help when I do Send Backs™?

Right now, there are over 6 billion people on the Earth. We all descended from a far smaller number of common humanoid ancestors. Since you are always connected to your ancestry through your DNA, you are subject to a flow of Ancestral Energy that has been with you since the moment of your conception. This flow is shaped by the experience, ways of thinking, and beliefs of those who came before you. If your own Soul is eternal (which it is), so too are the Souls of your ancestors and they still exist somewhere. They may not have been able to heal and release these damaging beliefs and automatic thoughts from the past which keep them trapped in karmic cycles.

Luckily, Spiritual and psychic remote or distance healing are not subject to our belief-limited reality of time and space and we can Send healing Back to the Souls of all of our ancestors in their time, no matter where they are and what they are doing now. This healing helps your ancestors’ Souls, and boomerangs back to you through your DNA connection. But who else is connected to your ancestors through the same DNA you possess? Your family members may also benefit from what we call "Collateral Healing" as the flow of energy coming forward from your ancestors brings healing to them as well. There are still other Souls who share your ancestors, but are not your blood relatives. (After all, how many primative ancestors did Humanity have?) Using Send Back Technique™ sends healing through the branches of your entire family tree. As a result, healing goes out to a huge web of Souls and has an effect on the Collective Unconscious of all of Humanity. In this way, Send Back Technique™ is an opportunity to serve and actively change the world into a better place for all of us.

What are the benefits of healing my hardened or negative thoughts and beliefs?

How many beliefs do you figure you have within you, governing your internal "operating system?" Millions? How many would you guess are negative? Those who have experienced Send Back Technique™ have gone through profound changes. They have experienced less fear, doubt, and worry, dropping away of old habits, greater energy and clarity of thought, heightened sense of connectedness, and physical changes in sleep, hunger, and other patterns. They have noticed that "The World" has begun to change around them as blocks to their progress evaporate. They have felt a real connection with their ancestry and a sense of the joy and gratitude of their forbears as they do this healing work for not just their own ancestors, but all of Humanity as well.

Changing your Inner Mind beliefs and automatic thoughts allows you to feel different about yourself in familiar situations and generally change your mind about yourself. Fear drops away and is replaced by confidence. Low self-esteem gives way to a more positive self-image. Releasing hardened ways of thinking and believing changes your perception to that of a new reference frame of tolerance, optimism, and flexibility. You may notice that you still feel the framework of old habits, but there is no longer any emotional energy to drive them, like a car with no gas.

Whatever we are silently thinking and believing in our Inner Mind magnetizes the Universe to send us more of it. Changing and controlling the unaware signals and intentions you send out to The Universe actually changes the way Reality (With a capital ‘R’) operates for you to bring you better life outcomes through the process of positive manifestation. Getting better outcomes then reinforces your positive beliefs and thoughts, and things just keep getting better and better. Although we sometimes focus on the idea of swapping out negative thoughts and beliefs for positive ones, the real result of releasing hardened negative thinking and believing is the softening of our minds and hearts. In the long run we (and our minds) become more fluid and dynamic, more likely to respond than simply react.

While Send Back Technique™ alone may not solve all of anyone’s problems, dissatisfaction, or dis-ease, it will lighten your emotional load. It is intended to be used as an integral part of the ongoing process of self-discovery and self-healing that leads to wholeness. As you look inside of yourself, ask questions, and do the work to uncover the thoughts and beliefs that have been running your life you will gain a new freedom, the freedom to be true to your Soul nature.

Here’s a brief list of some Life-limiting beliefs we’ve worked with and their Life-affirming counterparts:

“Life is one setback after another.” Vs. “Life is success, joy, and easy, starting NOW.”
“It is my responsibility to keep my family together.” Vs. “It is NOT and NEVER HAS BEEN my responsibility to keep my family together, starting NOW.”
“I am not safe and protected.” Vs. “I am ALWAYS safe and protected, starting NOW.”
“I am responsible for everyone else’s problems.” Vs. “I am NOT responsible for anyone else’s problems. I never have been and I never will be, starting NOW.”
“Everything that goes wrong is my fault.” Vs. “Everything that goes wrong is NOT my fault, starting NOW.”
“People are BAD.” Vs. “People are GOOD, starting NOW.”
"The only way to get attention is to make mistakes." Vs. "Making mistakes is NOT the only way to get attention, starting NOW."
"I am what I WAS." Vs. "I am NOT what I was. I am what I'm going to be, what my Soul desires for me, starting NOW."
“I'm not allowed to have my own will.” Vs. “I AM ALWAYS allowed to have my own will, starting NOW.”
“I’m not OK.” Vs. “I AM ALWAYS OK, starting NOW.”
"I'm not allowed to have help." Vs. "I'm always allowed to have help, starting NOW."
“Change is not allowed.” Vs. “Change IS allowed, starting NOW.”
“Angry attacks are necessary in relationships in order to help people.” Vs. “Angry attacks are always destructive. Love and Harmony help people in relationships, starting NOW.”
"I can't trust myself." Vs. "I can always trust myself, starting NOW."
“I’m only allowed to love other people.” Vs. “I’m allowed to love other people AND myself, starting NOW.”
"I must control things to be safe." Vs. "I can give up control and still be safe, starting NOW."
“Other people are allowed to control me.” Vs. “Other people ARE NOT allowed to control me, starting NOW.”
“I'm not allowed to feel satisfied with myself.” Vs. “I AM allowed to feel satisfied with myself again, starting NOW.”

Magical Thinking Healing™ is a fast and simple new way to discover, release, and reverse the effects of negative self-images, limiting identities, personas, and fearful psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of Being that keep us from being happy and fulfilled in life. Conceived and developed by artist and healer Brad Silberberg of The Mesa Healing Center, Magical Thinking Healing™ is a form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a branch of psychotherapy that is based on the idea that our thoughts cause our emotions and behaviors. These feelings and habitual reactions arise from within us in response to outside influences which simply trigger those reactions and do not directly cause them. Like other forms of CBT, Magical Thinking Healing™ can help us change the way we are thinking and feeling without the need to alter outside situations. By doing so we can change how we operate in the world while still participating in it.

Magical Thinking Healing™ (MTH) grew out of our Send Back Technique™, a way of locating, resolving, and healing life-limiting beliefs we have accumulated from experiences, upbringing, ancestry, and past incarnations. Like Send Back™, Magical Thinking Healing™ uses Kinesiology (muscle or resistance testing) to search out mental and emotional patterns that stop us or hold us back in life, but there is a difference between what we BELIEVE about ourselves (and the world around us) and the (negative) identities we PERCEIVE for ourselves. While belief and perception are interdependent parts of our internal operating system, either one can be the driving force that cause us to feel or act in fearful or distressing ways. Where Send Back™ brings healing through releasing beliefs, Magical Thinking Healing™ holds a mirror up to the ways we are perceiving, judging, and identifying ourselves and exposes them to the possibility that they are neither objective nor true. What we see and understand in ourselves as undesirable self-images, identities, or states of Being (“I am stupid.”) have a crushing effect not only on how we feel, but on what we are willing to face or attempt. The very act of reviewing them can bring about their dissolution and greater emotional freedom. That freedom can lead to greater feelings of safety, self-confidence, competency, and sanity.

While science and medicine would like to think they know all there is to know about how Human Beings function, once we enter the watery world of emotions we move into the mystical domain of the inner (“unconscious”) mind. That part of us may be wholly spiritual in nature and function multidimensionally and exponentially. There is just no predicting what will happen inside of any given person when faced with a particular situation or even as a result of their thoughts about the simple possibility of it. The good news is that with Magical Thinking Healing™ we have a way to communicate with our inner mind and give it other options as to how to deal with our inner reality.

What is “Magical Thinking”?

The answer to that question depends on who you ask. To the “science is the only way” crowd, “magical thinking” is what the self-proclaimed “debunkers” call a belief in anything that they (in their logic-only view) see as superstitious or lacking in physical proof. This includes such things as belief in unseen forces that connect all living things, belief in a loving God, belief in our ability to manifest what we want in life, etc. To those folks, a belief in the existence of LOVE itself is magical thinking.

To Psychologists and those who study the mind, “magical thinking” is just part of the way our unconscious mind works. It’s something we all do to seek out patterns in our world. In this view, magical thinking is about how we mentally connect unrelated things as a result of our experiences. (“I had on red socks and our team won, so wearing red socks makes them win.”) It’s not usually “logical” but we do it anyway. When we are very young it can keep us emotionally safe in bad situations, but in the long run it limits us through fear of repeating traumatic experiences we didn’t understand.

To spiritually minded visionaries like Deepak Chopra however, “magical thinking” is HIGHER THINKING, transcendent thinking, and a way to change and heal our lives through the power of the mind:

“By magical thinking I mean the expecting of outcomes just by the mere desire to have them. We are all familiar with people who have a desire. When it spontaneously manifests in their life without any effort on their part, that’s magical thinking.”

This is what Magical Thinking Healing™ is about; expecting and getting positive change by dismantling the faulty associations we have come to construct in our minds.

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

Do you see yourself as smart, worth loving and caring for, creative, and successful? Or, is what you see of yourself from inside your eyes less flattering than that? Is your view of yourself really what you are, or have you confused the substance of your Being with stinging experiences and unflattering behaviors? Is what you see in the looking glass objective, or is it the criticism and judgment that has been drummed into you about yourself that you have come to accept without question as the very substance of your Being?

Much of what holds us back in life is how we have come to internally and illogically define ourselves as a result of trauma from the past. These self-images also occur as a result of our acceptance of direct or implied labeling from “authority figures” such as parents, teachers, or religious leaders. Many times we have come to negatively label ourselves, as a result of faulty self-judgment as we come to confuse our experiences, behaviors, or what we have been told about ourselves with who WE ARE.

The trouble with our self-images is that we don’t see that we created them and tend to live up (or down) to them. They may have resulted from a single frightening or embarrassing incident in early childhood only to “gain interest” as we were re-traumatized over time, finally solidifying into ironclad ways of Being. We see what our inner mind fears about ourselves as the truth about who we really are. As a result of how we define ourselves, we limit our opportunities for happiness and success in relationships, personal health, career, finances, and other areas of physical, emotional, and spiritual life as those self-images become self-fulfilling prophesies.

The Fragmented Self

We may like to think of ourselves as an “I”, but we are really more of a “We” psychologically, in that most of us have become very fragmented on the psychic and emotional level. As we grow and develop as babies our mental and emotional architecture begins to add energy and consciousness structures for dealing with different experiences, situations and relationships. If everything goes well, these structures work fairly seamlessly as a cohesive “self”, but when trauma occurs physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, we psychically and energetically split off fragments of the self into their own little dimensions as measures to protect ourselves. This repeated splitting results in diffusion of our life force, weakening of the will, fear, and being at odds within ourselves. Many of our self-images and perceived Being states are operating fairly independently of each other, creating confusion and chaos within our minds and emotions that stop us from moving forward in life.

As we work to gather back in and reintegrate these far-flung parts of ourselves by helping them to release their trauma energy and negative view of themselves, we have more energy, feel more emotionally and mentally at peace, and are better able to handle whatever life throws our way. We have found Magical Thinking Healing™ to be one of the fastest, easiest, and most profound ways to rewire our mental and emotional landscape so that these dissociated parts of ourselves are willing to return to the fold.

How does Magical Thinking Healing™ work?

This elegantly simple, highly effective, and deeply emotional technique starts by using Kinesiology (muscle testing) to locate illogically held and falsely perceived self-images, identities, and states of Being. The process of muscle testing uses our physical body’s strength or weakness response to true/false or yes/no questions to gain information that’s not accessible to our conscious, thinking mind. It’s a way to peek into our inner (unconscious) mind, limbic system (which controls our body’s automatic processes) and cellular memory to get answers about what is happening inside of us on the deepest nonverbal levels. In this way we can communicate with the inner parts of us that have no language skills and find out how they are viewing things.

By using any of a number of methods of muscle testing to ascertain whether our inner minds agree or disagree with statements or answer yes or no to questions we can fairly quickly trace the root-cause issue of any given situation that is causing blockage, fear, or chaos. It’s a little like playing “Twenty Questions” with our nonverbal parts as they indicate their answers by our muscles resisting strongly or going weak as gentle pressure is applied. By having the client make a series of first person (“I am ____ .”) statements while muscle testing, we can find out how people are seeing themselves generally, or in specific situations. Most issues will usually trace to some negative and judgmental assaying of the self, (our “I AM-ness”) such as getting a YES muscle test for a statement like, “I am a failure”. We have found a statement like this to indicate the presence of what might be called a “Failure” Being state, as opposed to simply experiencing a track record of lackluster performance.

Our self-images, Being states, and identities each send out into the Universe a vibration that then has a hand in manifesting our life outcomes, often bringing us more of what we consciously eschew. Unpleasant outcomes are indicators of what is going on inside of us “under the radar” of our conscious thinking minds and often seem at odds with what we profess to “want”. We can usually come up with several possibilities to examine and muscle test for any un-, or less-than-desirable recurring situation. For instance, failure to find a relationship could be a result of self images such as “I’m unlovable”, “I am unwanted”, “People control me”, or “I lose myself in relationships”.

After we have determined what self-image, Being state, or identity we are dealing with, we then get permission and agreement from these inner parts of ourselves (also through Kinesiology) to be “re-evaluated by an outside source, the “authority” who will check to see if their self-descriptions hold up to scrutiny. We then administer imaginative, non-invasive, and lovingly choreographed “examinations” which gently mimic the way we experienced doctor visits when we were young. These “evaluations” are impossible to fail, yet shed light on how we have come to see ourselves. This gives our inner minds a chance to choose a new and different way of seeing themselves, instantly shifting energy and self image to a new and permanent positive state. Doing so results in emotional and mental relief, freedom, and the joy of allowing new possibilities for ourselves.

You see, most of us have never been allowed or taught how to validate ourselves. We have been told what to do and how to be what we were expected to be. We’ve been judged and criticized by parents, family, teachers, clergy, employers, co-workers, and contemporaries (not to mention Madison Avenue advertising) since we were young and became confused/brainwashed about who and what we are. We find that what people are thinking and feeling inside of themselves is something like: “I am ______ (something negative or distasteful) , RIGHT?!” The “RIGHT?!” the end of that statement is an indication of the confusion that is being experienced with between what we have been told and the knowing of our Souls. During Magical Thinking Healing™ “exams” we are supplying another possibility, a different and more positive “truth”. Imagine it this way:

Remember when you were young and went to the doctor? You sat on that table with the crunchy paper while the authority, The Doctor, examined you. He/she put that thing under your tongue and made you hold it there while they listened and listened to your heart. Just what were they listening for? (Could they hear your deepest secrets or what you were sad about?) Then they put that thing on your arm that squeezed it tighter and tighter. What could they tell from that?

After much poking and probing and a few “hmm’s”, he/she PRONOUNCED YOU SOMETHING. “Why, you’ve got bronchitis and need to stay home from school,” they might have said, or “You’re fine. You can go back to school tomorrow,” when you really didn’t want to face that spelling test or the bully who was taking your lunch money. You (on the urging of your parents) went along with what that supreme authority figure told you about yourself. Medical research is full of cases where people who were told they wouldn’t get well got sicker or died when they reached the “limit” set by their doctor of how long they would survive their diagnosis. Patients who are told they will surely get well, usually do.

With a bit of role playing and a little Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) style suggestive talk, the Magical Thinking Healing™ practitioner steps in for the “voice of authority” to help the client’s inner self/selves step back, take a look at themselves in a new light and say, “Wait a minute! That’s NOT right about me”.

Next, we pick up again with Kinesiology to determine what age these parts of us still see themselves to be; often less than ten years old. These traumatized fragments of ourselves are not just figuratively young, but are literally trapped in time still trying to comprehend and integrate some experience or situation they weren’t equipped to at the time, unwilling or unable to move forward until they resolve it. Just imagine trying to do your job at the office with a group of ten year-olds for coworkers and you can imagine what havoc these dissociated parts of yourself might be creating in your life.

After we have released them from their self-imposed prison with the Magical Thinking Healing™ “examination”, we ask these parts of us how old they are. These psychic fragments are often less than ten years old, but sometimes they claim (through muscle testing) to be older than the subject’s chronological age and appear to be from past life experiences. We then help these stuck parts of our psyche to literally “grow up” emotionally to our physical age (or come forward from a past life) in the suggested new way of Being. This falls under the therapeutic realm of “parts work” and consolidates energy and Soul Light as we give those holographic fragments of ourselves permission to see themselves (ourselves) differently and rejoin the greater whole. Some parts grow up dramatically in a few moments, while others can take days as they review and readjust how they have viewed themselves in the past. (We can use Kinesiology to track their progress.) Over time, we become less fragmented and conflicted mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically. A final muscle test on the original statement will always change from a “YES” to “NO, I’m NOT that!”

All in all, the functional part of the Magical Thinking Healing™ process takes about 5-10 minutes per healing “exam” (once the self-identity theme has been determined through prior discussion and muscle testing) and up to four themes can be covered in a single healing session. The process is so fast and easy that we often train clients to work with their family members or include it in their own therapeutic practice.

Ancestral Self-Images

We have also learned that when parts of us claim to be older than our physical age during a Magical Thinking Healing™, they can be voicing ancestral self-images that reflect trauma in our genetic past. Just like past life experiences lingering as self-images on the Soul level, we can have negative or limiting self-images or ways of being that we have inherited from our ancestors. These ancestral self images are passed down and firmly entrenched in our cellular memory at the level of our very DNA. They became part of our makeup at the very moment of our conception and can act as frustrating, sabotaging forces within us with no mental awareness of their presence. It’s a little like walking into a dark room with no light switch. You can’t possibly turn the lights on, even if they are right there in front of you. Doing Magical Thinking Healings™ for these fragmented parts of ourselves not only repairs self-images we have taken on by unconscious choice, but also clears our genetic lines, repairs our ancestral energies, and frees us from the bonds of ancestry. This allows us to activate dormant parts of ourselves and also sends healing back to the souls of those who came before us, wherever they may currently be.

Magical Thinking Healing™ originator, Brad Silberberg, had a personal experience with an ancestral-image:

“My wife Kate and I had been struggling to find the level of success with our creative arts and healing center that we knew was possible for us. We had worked through all kinds of past life and personal self-images yet that abundance still eluded us and seemed to even push back against us at times. We had finally come across the whole area of ‘wrong vs. right’ within MTH and we saw that I in particular still had issues (like ‘taking action is wrong’) that interfered with our success. I knew that the next step for us was to create an online store for our website, yet with all the clearing we had done I was still procrastinating. When we muscle tested for me as to willingness to set up the online store, we got a ‘NO’. Further Kinesiology testing showed something puzzling, that I saw success as ‘wrong’.

When we did a Magical Thinking Healing for that theme of success being ‘wrong’, I felt a warm and tingling energy on my left shoulder after the MTH ‘test’ that began to spread down the whole left side of my body. When we asked that part of me that had been stuck in that self-image how old it was, it claimed to be older than my chronological age. We had come to assume that a ‘YES’ to that kind of question meant these parts of us were from a past life and didn’t always ask a follow up question to confirm it, but I was sensing something totally different in the energy I felt. I recognized it as the freeing up of ancestral flow energy, something we had discovered through our work with Send Back Technique™. What this energy was claiming through the muscle test was correct; it was older than my chronological age of 56 at the time, but we confirmed its advanced age (between 100 and 200 yrs.) was from my ancestry, likely on my mother’s side judging from its appearance at my left shoulder, not from experience in one of my own past incarnations. Muscle testing to get additional information from my Healing Guides affirmed what we had found.

I remembered a family story that my mother told about her maiden name of Rokkoff. My grandparents had owned a general store in a poor black neighborhood in Baltimore. My mother had been told that her father’s last name may have originally been ‘Rakoff’ (pronounced ‘rake-off’) and my grandfather had changed it so that his customers would not think he was cheating them. It seemed totally possible that he had a guilty conscience about his own success when he saw such poverty all around him. This negative ‘success consciousness’ was evident in my mother, my siblings, and myself.

As it turned out, both Kate and I had been laboring under the negative Being state of ‘success is wrong’. Kate’s portion of this energy also turned out to be from her ancestors as well, in her case from 200 to 300 yrs ago.” Her siblings had also only experienced limited success in life.”

What’s it like to have a Magical Thinking Healing™?

When giving a Magical Thinking Healing™, the practitioner will conduct a brief, gentle, respectful, and non-invasive “exam” or “test” in one of a number of ways. They may wave their hands around or gently touch the person at a few places on their body, front and back, while carefully and seriously “looking for” the self-image in question, or use props (magnifying glasses, TV remotes, kitchen gadgets, etc.) as “detectors” to help in making the “exam” more “real”. While this is happening, clients often feel a disturbance or something shifting on a deep level of the psychic structure where these Being states are held. When the “pronouncement” is made by the practitioner that no outer evidence of the negative self-perception could be found upon completion of the “exam” the client may feel a sensation of rushing energy, great relief, or burst into needed tears.

The story is that people are convinced they “are” this or that negative thing and that immutable fact is immediately noticeable to anyone who sees them. In truth these supposed Being states or personas are like a “bad hair day”. Usually they go totally unnoticed by everyone else (unless it’s REALLY bad) but drive the one having it to distraction with shame and worry, in the end ruining their own day. With Magical Thinking Healing™ the practitioner helps the client to look into the mirror of the Soul and realize that it’s all an illusion that can be gently released.

Magical Thinking Healing™ works with change on a level most people are less familiar with, so some of the feelings or sensations may be new to you. There may simply be a resultant new and palpable sense of recognition about the self, but profound feelings of moving and swooping energy through the body or an emotional release of pent up energy during or immediately after a Magical Thinking Healing™ may also be experienced. In the days and weeks after a healing you will notice how different life seems as fear, anxiety, and self-sabotage drop away and you come to a greater place of peace and balance within yourself. Some people who have had just one Magical Thinking Healing™ session saw their stuck lives immediately shift into high gear. Others have been amazed at their increased energy and willingness to participate in the business of living. In the long run, life outcomes will also change and get better as you send out different energy and vibrations to manifest what you consciously desire. The greatest benefit of working with Magical Thinking Healing™, however, may be the spiritual growth that comes with increased knowing and understanding of the cosmic nature of our magnificent Self and the realization that our experience of the outer world is simply a reflection our inner one.

Magical Thinking Healing™ changes people’s lives by letting them throw off the shackles of negative self-images and choose who to be. What have you been unconsciously choosing? Here are just a few Magical Thinking Healing™ “themes” we have cleared to help our clients:

“I am/am not a Victim”
“I belong/don’t belong”
“I’m in trouble/not in trouble”
“I am worthless/not worthless”
“I am a liar/not a liar”
“I am in control/not in control”
“I am insane (crazy)/not insane (crazy)”
“I’m just like my father(mother)/not like my father (mother)”
“I am powerless/ powerful”
“I am abandoned/not abandoned”
“I am a burden/not a burden”
“I have no confidence/have confidence”
“I am dumb/smart”
“I fail myself/don’t fail myself”
“I'm a bad son (daughter)/good son (daughter)”
“I am unworthy/worthy”
“It’s my responsibility/not my responsibility to solve everyone’s problems”
“It’s my job to change the world all by myself/not my job to change the world all by myself”
“I'm a fake/not a fake”
“I am a coward/not a coward (brave)”
“I am a bad mother/good mother”
“I am unwanted/wanted”
“I can’t handle stress/can handle stress”
“I am unacceptable/acceptable” Test
“I don’t deserve to live/do deserve to live”
“I don’t know what money is or how money works/ do know what money is and how it works”
“I'm not loving enough/am loving enough”
“I'm not able to accept things/am able to accept things”
“I am judged/not judged”
“The Church controls me/doesn’t control me”
“I am criticized/not criticized”
“I am ignored/not ignored”
“I am too trusting/not too trusting”
“I have no rights/have rights”
“I'm a sinner/not a sinner”
“When I succeed, I fail/when I succeed I don’t fail, I really succeed”
“It’s wrong/right to succeed”
“It’s wrong/right to take action”
“It’s wrong/right to speak up for myself”

What people are saying about Magical Thinking Healing™

“I don't know what I'm supposed to be feeling but I can tell you that I feel light, happy and carefree. I called my favorite Aunt today and she thought I had won the lottery because I sounded so different than when she had last seen me. ( I won something better than the lottery- I won my life back!)
My life has taken a 180 and I hope it continues.

“Your creative and fascinating healing technique has opened up an untapped reservoir of energy in my life, eliminated a reoccurring compulsion for distraction and resultant dissatisfaction, and helped to veer me from a self destructive path. I clearly feel a renewed sense of vigor and possibility, both personally and professionally. Your work and mission truly touches lives.”
-Christopher A. Papa, Esq.

“I got back from the Magical Thinking session filed with thoughts and emotions, uplifted and energized, as if some new gates of perception have opened out for me. I have tried different modalities of therapy- mental, spiritual and body-work, from Reiki, hypnosis, meditation to professional psychoanalysis, and I find that this is one of the fastest and most revealing ones for me so far. I just want to thank you and encourage you to keep up and develop this great method. I feel that it is bound to grow, and I personally want to know more about it and even contribute with my experience and what I know about the unconscious.”
-D.S., Psychiatry Doctoral Student

Magical Thinking Healing™ appointments can be arranged through The Mesa Healing Center by calling 724-947-3097 or emailing.

We periodically teach Magical Thinking Healing™ classes at The Mesa Creative Arts Center so you can learn to help others or work with a friend to help yourself. Click here to check our current schedule of classes and events.

Sensing Spiritual Energy- Ways to Feel or Sense Healing & Subtle Energy

bird line

What is Spiritual Energy?

First of all, we are not talking about “ghosts” here, but the spiritual (not religious) level vibrational radiance from all matter in all dimensions, including non-physical ones. This is the emanation of the clear, clean, loving, primordial energy that allows things to exist. One day soon this energy will be universally recognized as the basic organizational level of all things. It is Creational energy coming through as the signature vibrations of individuated forms. Science does not yet have a way to reliably detect or measure this energy nor do the inane “ghostbusters” on TV shows. Fortunately, we can use our own higher senses to perceive and evaluate these higher vibrational frequencies. We can also tap into and make use of them to expand our consciousness, heal ourselves, help others, communicate with higher dimensions, and move forward on our path.

There are also subtle energies that are not so spiritual in nature. These are the vibrations of unbalanced, unloving, or disorganized thoughts, emotions, actions, and intentions from human Souls here on Earth or on the Other Side. These energies surround us all of the time and can detrimentally affect us along with the subtle frequencies of electromagnetic devices like cellphones, high tension wires, computers, microwaves, etc. You may have sensed that you’ve been affected by some of them without being fully aware of it. Not to worry. As you learn to perceive subtle energies, you can also learn ways remediate the detrimental ones. Read on…

When and how do people notice or feel subtle or spiritual "energy"?

People sense subtle energy in different ways. Not everyone feels it bodily. Some people perceive it as colored light, “hear” it as a rising or falling sound or just "know" it. Some sense it in multiple ways at the same time or in succession. Some people can tell what consciousness, emotional, or situational “labels” are attached to subtle energy since energy can carry all possible outcomes at the same time. This is in fact what physicists have seen on the smallest level of matter, the Quantum level, where a particle can exist at many places at the same time yet still be only one “thing”.

To notice these subtle energies, you have to know that Spiritual energy exists. Understand that these Spiritual forces are not nearly as physically strong or readily noticeable to our five senses as the other kinds of energy (movement or Kinetic energy, heat, light, sound, electricity, gravity, etc.) that people interact with every day. If you've ever been "zapped" with electricity, you know what we're talking about. Those energies we usually register only with our five senses of touch, taste, smell, feel, sight, or hearing. They are usually overtly apparent to us, even in relatively small amounts or strength as we have the ability to see in relatively dim light, sense minute temperature changes, or feel the brush of a hair against our skin. You've learned to hold your hand over a stove burner to feel if there is heat energy coming off of it before you touch it and can feel it quite far away if you tune in to the feeling of “heat”. If you pay attention, you may even be able to feel light falling upon your skin. What you notice, you are conscious of and what you are conscious of, you notice. So too with subtle energies:

Mesa Creative Arts Center Director, Brad Silberberg says this about sensing subtle energies: "When doing healing work or work with energy tools, I will often feel with my left hand by placing it on or near the source. I may feel a tingling or pushing sensation or feel a kind of heat coming from them, but not the kind of heat from a flame. This mostly tells me the strength and balance of the energy. I may feel other qualities contained by or attached to the energy somewhere inside of ‘me’ as well and use my practiced discernment to decode it. I sense energy with my whole physical body, my aura, chakras, and my expanded consciousness; what I call my 'Felt Sense'. I believe I’m processing these sensations, in part, by using some of the 90% of my Human brain that Science says we ‘don't use’ because they don't understand subtle energy, how to detect, or measure it because it’s not electrical or chemical. It's nonsense to me to think that so much of our brain is useless tissue. Nature and Creation would not have wasted that space.

I have always perceived other people's emotions, state of mind, state of openness or closed-ness, denseness or lightness, high or low vibrational frequency, general health, and other information this way, often feeling it as if I am 'having' them myself. Over time I have learned how to interpret a great deal of what I pick up empathically with my Felt Sense and to widen my perception to other energies. I am still learning ways to sense, interpret, and work with inter-dimensional energies and the fundamental structural energies at the Spiritual/Creational level of matter that I 'know' are there all around us. Doing hands-on energy healing work with people, animals, and plants (e.g. Reiki, White Light, Sound Healing) interacting with crystals, and building and working with energy/healing tools have helped me to hone my perception and interpretation of subtle energies."

Can just anyone feel these energies?

We are ALL sensitive to subtle energies, but as a species have largely forgotten how to notice and interpret them. You’ve probably had myriad energy-sensing experiences without recognizing them. One of the easiest energies to notice is “people energy”. (Why do you think shopping malls feel like they do?) Have you ever had the experience of pulling up at a traffic light and looking at the guy in the car next to you, only to have him turn and look back at you? Why did he do that? Because he FELT your attention energy and your consciousness focused at him and turned to see where it was coming from. His animal instincts told him to do so because some part of him was sensing that energy. Have you ever felt someone looking at you or felt someone silently enter a room behind your back?

Whether you realize it or not, you've likely already had experiences with feeling the Life Force or thought energies of people or places yourself. You've probably walked into a restaurant or motel room and just felt an uncomfortable "something" that made you decide to leave. If you thought about it at the time, you may have been able to describe it as a heaviness, staleness, sadness, or dullness. You may have even felt an uncomfortable humming or buzzing sensation somewhere in your body. You probably took your business to another establishment where you found the place feeling lighter, calmer, or happier somehow.

If you were to sit in a circle with a group of total strangers, besides what you see and hear you’d likely be noticing all kinds of things about them with your higher senses. If you turned your attention to each one in turn, you might find one person to seem happier and one sadder, one angrier or one more withdrawn. One person might feel “brighter” or “shinier” somehow while another might have a “dullness” about them. There might even be one person for whom you get a feeling that “the lights are on, but no one is home”. You may be picking up visual clues to give you this information, but you’d probably still be getting a lot of it even if they were each covered with a blanket. What you are doing is using your higher senses to feel their energy without thinking about it. It is part of the sensing system that our ancient ancestors evolved to survive in a dangerous world, but because our current times are relatively safe compared to dodging saber-toothed tigers, this system has fallen into background of Human awareness in “developed” cultures.

Brad Silberberg relates an experience he had with a woman who wanted to sense energy but wasn’t aware of it:

I met a woman who was working in a small health food store who wanted desperately to “feel” energy. I told her she already was, but that she simply wasn’t noticing it. Things were very quiet in the store, so her manager gave her permission to go into the little office room with me for a few minutes. I sat down next to her and asked her if she could feel her own presence. She looked quite puzzled and replied that she could not.

“Close your eyes,” I said, “Can you feel me sitting next to you without looking?”
“Yes,” she replied.
“OK then,” I said, “I'm going to move over here (crossing the room). Did you feel something change?”
“Why, yes, I did!” she answered excitedly.

I came back and sat next to her. “Can you feel me sitting next to you again?”, I said.
“Yes, I am,” she replied.
“What are you feeling that moved over there and back? You’re feeling my energy, my presence, my I-am-here-ness,” I explained.
“Now,” I said, “can you feel that same thing about yourself?”

A startled look came over her face. “Oh, my God!”, she exclaimed, “what IS that?!!”
“You’re feeling your own presence, your own I-am-sitting-right-here-ness,” I replied.

Her mouth fell open and then she started to cry. “I’ve never felt that before,” she wailed, “I’ve never felt that part of me.”
“That’s where our awareness needs to start,” I told her, “with noticing our own Spiritual nature.”

The thing that we notice most easily is CHANGE (like someone’s presence moving across the room), in part because we would just go nuts if we were constantly noticing every little static situation (like our OWN presence). When you put on a shirt, you feel it against your skin. You don't spend all day noticing your "I-have-a shirt-on-ness." We take notice when we feel a room turn from hot to cold when the air conditioning is turned on or feel a hand press on our skin when there was nothing there before. We notice change most easily when we are PAYING ATTENTION to what is changing. That's the first part of the equation and the key to perception and eventual enlightenment. The second part is just a lot of practice feeling energies and noticing their subtle differences. Think of a professional wine taster; he takes a swig of wine (Blindfolded, of course!) and proceeds to tell you that it was bottled in 1968 in Bordeaux, France at 11am on a Sunday in October and that it had spent 11-1/4 months in an oak barrel. How does he know all that? He's tasted a whole lot of wine and peeked at all of the labels to get to the point of acquiring great discernment, becoming a connoisseur in the process.

The third and maybe most important component for energy discernment is being mentally OPEN TO IT and allowing yourself to sense it. If we are not open to noticing it or even blocking the sensation by closing the safety shutters on our energy system, it’s like having our Geiger counter turned off when we are trying to measure nuclear radiation. Most people tend to shut down their own personal energy emanations (or aura) rather than allowing in “the other” and facing the emotional risks involved. This is a protective maneuver we do out of limiting beliefs, fear, lack of trust, and because most of those around us are also shut down, so we mirror it unconsciously. It is also a self preserving habit to keep out some of the ever growing energy bombardment from people, places, things, light pollution, cell phones, air and car traffic, microwaves, TV and radio broadcasts, power lines, computer screens, etc., that is stressing people out and making them sick. These energies can also clog up our Human energy system and keep us from perceiving movement and changes that we might otherwise notice.

Lastly, releasing disappointment from past experiences and holding the intention that you will eventually be able to feel these subtle/spiritual energies will magnetize you for actually achieving it. Remember that you cannot fail until you stop making attempts to succeed, so hold a lot of crystals, get involved in energy healing, engage in psychic practice exercises, and handle or work with energy devices like our Mesa Creative Arts Tools for Transformation and Healing. Not only will you hone your sensing abilities, but you will receive healing in the process that will open and enhance them.

Staying open to energy

Besides unbalanced Earth energies (geopathic stress) and electromagnetic smog, the negativity of Humanity’s mass consciousness is one of the greatest sources of unbalanced energy that we are exposed to every day. Other people’s fear, anger, pain, grief, etc, can drain us or induce resonance to those emotions in our own systems. It’s important to be aware of this process and find ways to keep from absorbing these energies. One way is to use our minds to make ourselves less like an absorbing sponge and more like a window screen, allowing things to simply flow through us instead of needing periodic “wringing out” to stay energetically healthy. Along with natural healing modalities that release energy, our Tools for Transformation and Healing may be just what’s needed to help release what might otherwise accumulate. It also helps to RADIATE.


There are practical ways to stay open to what comes our way while remaining healthy and radiant. One way is by using our intention to be an receiver-transmitter for higher energies from Creation. We can use our awareness to take in those life-giving subtle energies from Nature, God/Source, and The Universe, and radiate them back out. The more we remember to radiate, the more we can take in and the more we take in, the more we can send out. The more we are able to radiate, the more relaxed we are. The more relaxed we are, the more we can feel and notice. Radiating also protects us through a process of giving away instead of fearful shielding and helps us to clear our own energy systems. Think about trying to push dirt and stones into the end of a garden hose with a forceful stream of water coming out of it. If the water is turned off, it’s far easier to do. The good news is that there is no shortage of “water” (spiritual or life-force energy) for you to draw from and radiate. Holding back (NOT radiating) is a stressed state that most people don't even know they are in.

You see, each one of us is an antenna for Source/God Energy. We are here (in part) to receive it, slow down its very high frequency with our chakras (subtle energy centers in our bodies), and radiate it back out to the Earth, Nature, and Humanity through our aura. We have demonstrated the difference in how this feels to others by asking people to turn on their energy "radar" while we stand in front of them and consciously pulling in our aura as hard and as tight as we can. They will usually say they feel "quietness", "coldness", and/or a pulling or sucking sensation. As we release our aura (It's very uncomfortable to hold in for long) people often say; "You came back!"

When people shut down and stop radiating their auric light they become like a Black Hole, sucking in energy from all around them and sending it off-planet to who knows where. (You’ve probably met someone who was in such a bad or sad mood that they seemed to suck the very oxygen out of the room.) Each one of us who is radiating counteracts the effects of many Black Holes. It can take some practice to let your Light shine and our Tools for Transformation and Healing can help you by unclogging your energy systems, healing your thoughts and emotions, and increasing your vibrational frequency directly or indirectly. It's still up to you to choose to be a Shining Star or Black Hole. Remember that radiating your Light keeps the flowers opening, the birds singing, the rivers flowing, and the Earth turning. Do you really want to NOT radiate?

What might subtle and spiritual energies FEEL like?

One of the most common experiences people have had that’s like that of feeling energy move through them is BLUSHING. The sensation starts in your face, but then rapidly spreads through your whole body. That rush of adrenaline that causes the blood vessels in your face to dilate goes through your whole system in seconds and so does the emotional energy that set it off.

“OK,” you might say, “so you’ve told me all about these subtle energies, but how do I deal with or discuss them if I can’t describe them even to myself?” People are still finding language to talk about the complex nature of what they feel. You probably know what Love feels like to you, but can you really describe what it feels like inside of your body when you are feeling Love? Here's a little meditation/exercise to help you do some sensing and practice discernment:

Close your eyes and just feel what your are feeling right now. (Noticing what you are noticing is called being CONSCIOUS.) Take a little tour of your body and awareness from your feet to your head, pausing first to sense how your feet feel. Are they tired, tingling, relaxed, aching? Next move up to your knees and tune in there. How do they feel? Now move up to your pelvis. Are you relaxed or tense there, hot or cold? Do you feel pressure anywhere? Is your chest tight or expanded and relaxed? Are your shoulders sore? Is your neck stiff? Turn your attention to your jaw. Are you gritting your teeth? Is your tongue pressed against the roof of your mouth? Are your eyes tired, burning, or cool? Can you feel wrinkles in your forehead or is it calm? Is the top of your head itching or tingling? Do you feel dense or loose, warm or cold, calm or nervous? Now you’ve gone completed that tour so you'll more easily pick up on it if some sensation were to change. Now pick up a crystal, touch a plant, put your hand on someone's heart, or hold a Tool for Transformation and Healing. Does something change in your awareness? Can you describe it? If you’re not noticing anything different you’re still OK, but you may be resisting the whole idea of this energy or your internal "meter" may be shut down– energetically in protective mode. Try this:

First, take a deep breath and let it out. Think about radiating light, sound, or heat out from your body in all directions. Close your eyes, put your hands on your heart, say "RADIATE" and move your hands out to the sides until your arms are straight out. Can you feel your energy system open up? Now pick up that crystal and see what changes you feel. You may still have to open the protective "doorway" in your wrist that keeps everything you touch from entering your energy system through your hand. Just envision a door (however you see it, as the door to your house, a garden gate, or a big iron prison door) at your wrist and envision that door opening. Can you trust enough to let the energy and consciousness of the crystal enter now? Can you even send your consciousness out to meet it? What do you feel now? Need some words/concepts to fill things out?

Here are some ways we use to describe how these energies feel to us that might help you increase your awareness of them. They may be sensed with the hand or all over the body:

Buzzing or tingling, like when your leg is asleep.
Prickly, like static electricity.
A feeling of heat without a heat source. (Usually denotes a LOT of energy moving.)
A feeling of cold without a physical source.
A sense of a rising or falling pitch without any audible sound.
A feeling of something flowing through you like wind or a stream or current of warm water.
A feeling like a wave passing through you.
A sense that some other Being, like an angel or ghost has stepped inside of you (“incorporation”)
Pressure or a pushing sensation with nothing touching you.
A pulsing sensation that is not in time with your heartbeat. (Usually a balancing "Healing Pulse".)
A sensation of bubbles rising like carbonated water or Alka-Seltzer.
A "clanging" sensation like striking a piece of metal held in your hand with a hammer.
A spinning or spiraling sensation.
A fluttering or shimmering sensation.
A sensation like a change in altitude or barometric pressure.
A sense of lightness that wasn't present before.
A sense of expansion in some way.
A shift in consciousness like meditation or falling asleep.
A sudden sigh or yawn. (Denotes that you are getting relieved of something by what you came into contact with.)

Many people don’t recognize the signs of their energy system in movement or release. Here are some signs that built up energy is being released from a person’s system on the physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual level:

Muscle twitching/releasing
Shaking or trembling
Vibrating or buzzing, especially in the feet, hands, head, or sex organs

(To understand more about Spiritual and Subtle Energies, see our “What is Energy” page. To learn more about Subtle energy “hygiene”, see our “Clearing, Charging, Activating” page.)

Energy Doorway“Doorway”
by Brad Silberberg
Chalk Pastels

“I made this drawing with the intention of opening up my spiritual energy. I started with the idea of drawing a portal to access what my Soul had already built on the Spirit Side from a succession of lifetimes and letting it come through. I put into the drawing symbols, shapes, and colors that felt like they ‘belonged’ without much conscious thought.

Others who viewed this drawing commented that it seemed that certain energies were also going out the door while others were coming in, representing the release of that which I no longer needed. At the bottom of the doorway, water is flowing in, a representation of calm emotions which are encouraging new growth (represented by the green plants). While I was making the drawing, I felt a lot of movement in my Being’s energy systems. I experienced a growing calmness and continuing expansion of my physical energy and willingness to act in the days and weeks after I made the drawing. A friend and psychic who was present when I made the drawing said that I had indeed brought through some but not all of my spiritual potential by creating it.”
Making art can heal and transform you. With the process of Transformation Art, holding that intention makes it so.

People today make works of art for a variety of reasons. Some people make art because it relaxes them, brings a sense of accomplishment, or a joyful feeling into their life. For others, creating works of art is a way to convey ideas or deep emotions that would otherwise remain pent up, yet can be satisfactorily expressed somehow through the non-verbal symbology of art. It can also be a powerful way to connect to and swim with the flow of Creation and, by entering that stream of perfect Light, undergo healing metamorphosis. This is the process of “Transformation Art”, art that through its very creation opens portals to spiritual change and personal growth. We are not talking about “art therapy” here like that practiced in mainstream clinical psychology settings. There, people are coaxed to draw or paint in order to encourage creativity, access feelings they have cut themselves off from, or so that it may act as a diagnostic tool to uncover buried trauma. Transformation Art as we practice it is a tool for manifestation and a form of the spiritual healing process called Soul Retrieval, where disassociated parts of the Self are recovered and reintegrated at a very deep level. It is truly art that heals.

Where did “Art” come from?

No one can really say how or when the practice of art-making originated, but it likely started as a shamanic practice to connect with spiritual forces, express the complex feelings of spirituality, and transcend time. Ancient healers, magicians, and holy men came to know that symbols and images held and connected with the powerful primordial energies of Creation and invoked them to conjure the future. Pictures of hunting scenes were drawn on rock walls in an effort to elicit good fortune by depicting an impending kill, thus ensuring the hunters’ success in feeding their tribe.

Untethered Spirits“Untethered Spirits”
by Kate Silberberg

“I made the drawing with the idea of releasing my parents’ energies from this earth plane. They are both deceased, and I wanted to do a piece of art that would allow their energies to be free from earthly constraints. They were both strong individuals and very connected to each other, which is why I happened to ‘wrap’ them together in the rope I drew. As I drew the fibers I talked to my parents spirits, myself, and to the universe. I celebrated their togetherness as they lived, and displayed their individuality in two distinct and separate colors (their favorites). As I released them, I felt a shift inside of myself, a surprising lightness and a lifting sensation within and around me. As I made the chalk lines and moved towards the unraveling of the rope, I had the sense that I was sending energy to them, and that they were able to go freely on to do whatever else their spirits are called to do. The wonderful extra is that I felt no sadness, or grief; just love, warmth, and joy at this letting go. This feeling has stayed with me, long after I made the drawing.”
In its beginnings art was not for decoration or adornment, but a way to contact and connect with the unseen world of Spirit through focused intention, beseeching those with power to help those earthbound and in need. Ancient Shamans would connect with their spiritual helpers and bring through their magic to put into signs and talismans that could be used by their people as connecting points or devices to access that power themselves. They may have used drawings or rudimentary carvings in rituals to control the elemental forces of Nature and to commemorate or convey the past, recording it visually in a time before written language existed. As Human consciousness developed, art, music, and dance emerged to express complex feelings for which there were no words.

Making what came to be called “art” was also a way of tapping into and becoming part of the beautiful process of Creation that ancient peoples constantly felt and observed going on all around them. Because they were so instinctual and close to nature, they were much more aware of this process than those of us living in a increasingly mechanized world have become over a period of only a few thousand years of “progress”. Making expressive images and objects gave them a way to participate in the purposeful bringing into form of ideas and ideals rather than the simple manufacturing of functional items.

Over the millennia, art became a codified form of communication and commerce as well. As people settled into agrarian societies and stayed in one place, picture writing developed and spread. Since people had more time and the resources to do so, the practice of making everyday objects beautiful increased as beauty came to be recognized as the natural order of Creation, something that is often overlooked or forgotten today. As the social structure of cities arose, that appreciation of beauty allowed for skilled people to produce art just for the pleasure and pride of ownership on the part of their patrons and themselves. Still, shamans and priests continued to use made objects as part of spiritual practices, relying on their ability to imbue magic and help them find channels of connection with their gods.

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