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Another bucket of poop day for me. Pool is on the TV. Just tidied my bookshelf I am giving some art books to a charity shop and one odd book called toilets of the world. I`m not sure i will ever be in the mood to browse through toilet pictures. Mostly public toilets. Randomly opened the book and there is a picture of a man in Peru urinating into a street toilet that looks like a small concrete wall.
TV now is celebs go dating and its on the Greek island of Crete. The sky looks azure the sea cerulean with hints of ultramarine blue. Not interested in the celebs they suck cox. Sometimes its just fun to watch nonsense to escape. Cricket is on my virgin box at La Manga Spain.
He watched while now became then and then became now.
A thousand tongues gawked at the sails from a corner of Kent.
gunter rigs told every woman that godwits had probed the medway mud
corrugated time licks the anchored dutch like a lollipop
there was no phantom ship here the cutwater this time was real
a surprise dreamt up be de witt – unseen, turnstone flipped a pebble.
it was not clear wo he was this named man, thinking in snatches
he walked from marshland counting birds, pulling ships from his brain
small saplings sprouted from his shoulders as the chain was breached
later, the brothers were lynched and half – eaten by the mob
the corpses felt a painter`s brush on their upside – down ribs
they leant their thoughts against a distant curtain wall
the pineapple told agneta of its paraguayan cradle. her green fingers listened.
it is so hot under this leaning glass, a copse of mizzen masts could grow
the mist will see a voice in the trees and dust on the idea
quick, powder monkey! bring the magazine, the gun crew is waiting.
Fabian Peake, 2017

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