Site icon Somewhere To Write


I feel high almost whenever I can, it's funny, it's fun. I love to forget everything. What is worth remembering. Or it is just work, stress i love to escape for a while. And now when my vacs are on i feel i still should not rest. Maybe I'll miss something. I have missed a lot everywhere in every field. It's okay. This post is just a boring ramble. Move ahead it is not really worth reading. So it is quite beautiful this way in this small world that I see. One day when I tried to see more, i got lost, in a deep mess. Maybe that's the most exciting part i find. Running away to escape or see something new. Hmm, it's all a part of life. I'll tell you a secret, my Ip might just lead to several other IPs. Wait what does that mean. I don't think it means much.
Damn! I found the key. Enlightenment! I feel good.

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