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Social Security Disability and HIPPA

As a family memember I take care of the financials to another family member who is on disabilty. It is a big joke to me as the goverment expects a person to live on $8500.00 per year or less. That is housing, utilities, copays on certain medical cost (no dental),transportation and a long list of other detailed Items that we take for granted.
In short, Goverment goal is to repress the disabled to the bare essentials of dialy survival in the most poorest of conditions. Themself they live high on the hog and cannot make thier lifestyles work on $250,000.00 per year…but dictate poverty to millions of the unfortunates who do not matter.
And I will not even get started on how Billions of US CASH dollars are handed out freely to other countries without any red tape or trace.

Recently and each year, I receive forms asking me to indicate how this wealth of $8500.00 was spent as proof of the person worthness and my honesty. So, in effort to supply this informaion, I must take on the role of the bookeeper accountant and spend a half day consolidating and double checking the amounts for accuracy. I dont get paid one dime for any of my efforts by SSD law. However, if anything is of quesion, I can go to jail and the person on SSD will loose thier monthly check.

Then another form comes in from SSD, which wants to nose and make sure the person is still disabled, and ask questions as to thier health and medical status, how many times they went to the doctor, who the docotors and hospitals were, dates and other informations.
That Information falls under HIPPA rules and I do not have access to all the informations as I am not in charge of the person medical and its all handled and paid for by medicare!

But the Goverment has access to such Medicare and SSD goes hand in hand in most instances (spite being different departments)!
Its more like the FBI and CIA rival where they will not share information and can do so leagally without any recourse in actions.

However, to get around this, they burden me to supply the information. If I do not fill out the form, they will try to put me in jail or stop the disability benifits on the person!

It should not be a burden or up to the individual to provide the goverment entities with information that they already have. Much less hold me or the disabled acccountable for such when they are the ones who hold the keys to the information.

It takes me (annually)anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks to gather, collect, reconsile, gain access to medical records and consolidate such informations) and prepare such responses. For what, that warm fuzzy felling of being a family member?

When all they need do is to link a social security number to both departments and the information can verified and shared automatically and in moments rather than weeks.
Medicare links by SSN and so does SSD, there are no needs to share detailed Hippa informations as Medicare is a Fed Goverment program just like SSD. SSD would not have to investigate any of my "Untrustworthy" responses by calling the places listed (thats if they actually do.

to me its very simple. Link the needed verifications by means of the SSN and do away with the waste of government spending, ease the burden of free ride making me do all the leg work when it can be automated and done in milliseconds rather than weeks.
Medicade pays the hospitals, thus they know and can verify the dates and places as they are billed. SSD works with Medicare to provice that assistance by means of the SSN, enrolls and maitains the disableds payments to medicare. Proven by…if SSD stopps then medicare automatically stops at that very moment as the two are tied together (linked) by the disabled's SSN.

Its automatic and personally happened to this person. I know because I had to pay their bills out of pocket for nearly 3 months until I got the person back on SSD and in which medicare automatically started again without a request or applicaiton on my behalf. They are intergrated in that way, so why not in other ways as well.

I want to (out of sarcasim and spite) tell the govement to kiss of that information is private and personal and covered under the HIPPA laws, that they have no right to the informaiton.

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