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defending rape and pedos

I am going to make this short and blunt.
There is no such thing as rape and pedohiles as long as there are underage females and males willing to have sex with older men who are considered adults.
Men always are the targets and get the blame for sex, but it takes two to create the act. 13 year old girls and up that are willing to have sex with an adult are very tempting as they have that lurer "come get some" that increases with age.
Pervert? Maybe! would I do it? yes!

I would any day of the week-vs- some older female that has had 40 c***s inside her and twice as many in her mouth, most being nigger c***s. Sick? No! I just see the age limit as some social, feminist and paranting outcry c*** blocker of the younger and more desireable competition to which women belive they hold the monopoly.

Younger females are more honest and willing (so be it) to explore and expriance the pleasures of sex and thier/both bodies. They do not fake thier sexual stimuli like many of the older feminsit who are only seeking a cash cow surgar daddy easy tickit lifestyle of vainity, fame and luxuary just for having a c***.

13 and up are willing? want it and know the rules and ways they can manipulate. They make the choice (no matter the males age) and should be held just as accountable as the male of older age.

Girls know thier sexual lurer as young as age 10, my referance to age 13 and up is not twisted in referance to flat chested girls with no pube hair and weight 60 lbs. I am talking about thoes young ones with c cups, 100 lbs and up, taunting and wanting a sex life and are playing the "look at my tits and beutiful ass/want some/come get it/I'll give it" but I wont take any responsability because I am an innocent girl ILLUSION.

Most teen boys c***s are just as large as an adults, so there is no internal damage if a 13-14 boy hits it and knocks her up the first time. VS a man who as the same size, but knows how to handle it and spends a week in bed with the same girl, who later goes home, uninjured, fullfilled and NOT PREGNEANT! That says a hell of alot more than…..ummmm mom dad, Im not a virgin anymore and I am pregneant or knocked a girl up that is 13-14 years old says alot.

Adults are mostly jelous c*** blockers for a few reason, thier illusion of the sweet innocent who is really slut out getting laid at every moment and oppourtunity… as well as jellous because its not them getting it. Women want control over men and use sex to gain that control, money and special treatment or other selfish gains. If the youngers are desired and available, they do not have a product in demand and cannot manipulate. so that too plays… really what guy will choose an older sexed up has been nigger lover d*** f***ing whore or looose c*** over some yonger tight ass/more desireable female who offers real sex over fake orgasims, mind and financial manipulations.

Women only want to controll mens supply, 13-17 will or just want to have sex. While their pusses are drying up and pumping out cake thick soured icing and stinch of juices, the youngers are making clear sweet honey juice. by restricting the femiist ages, they are able to controll mens supply longer starve and play keep away of the much more desired younger counter parts. women start loosing thier appeal and fatten up and such puts them into a panic and defensive mode and even turns them agains their own younger couter parts. Thus they twist the younger generations mind and make them belive that there is some differance in c***s 13-17 and 18 and up. and that all men are the enemy…when its really the females trying to control the supply as to starve the men.

There isnt! A c*** is a c*** and a pussy is a pussy. but the younger the better as thier orgasims turn from a sweet honey dew to a soured doughnut icing that gags.

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