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foolish thoughts of a simple quitter

In the case of parent and child it is usually the case that most everything is provided for by the parents ie. clothes, shelter, food and certainly everything the child does is attributed to the parent as the parent is responsible for bringing the child very being into exsistence and so it would only make sense that the child should be grateful and revere their ultimate benefactor who so graciously provides them with opportunity. At least if the parent werent obligated to, or felt no need to do these things naturally and yet the parent usually does. Parents charity isn't like a strangers or a friends because in truth it is no charity they receive experiences brought upon them by themselves if anything a child is none other than an exstension of the parents own being. The child does not wish to be brought into the world and forced to strive meeting or disappointing the self righteous person who created them. All things by parents are freely given and whilst is it polite and the right thing to do to show a
perfect reverance it should not be expected and demanded of anyone except by the child themselves. It would never truly make a person capable of thinking for themselves show unlimited respect when it is constanstly asked for and craved by the parent. The right action then for the parent whom feels that their "charity" has gone to waste then is to cast the child that they've forcefully brought into the world out of their protections into a world of struggle as is their right. The child then is now at a crossroad of life and death, struggle and peaceful end the child may then choose to live on whatever their reasons and is applauded by the world yet when a child chooses to reverse the injustice done to them and leave they are pitied or ridiculed. For me the answer is clear i dont want to put up with this s*** fighting for an unavoidable end, going for the highscore in the game of life seems pointless to a quitter like me and that is why i wont play the moment i don't like the hand im dealt, or the odds seem to high theres a simple way out which i intend to use. I dont care about the opinions or the score and the pain caused to others by the act of quitting is regretabble as no game is as fun when people quit or break the rules but i refuse to play a game which is no longer fun when the only thing to gain by continuing are a couple more points on the scoreboard

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