Site icon Somewhere To Write


im always sad. I always act fine around everyone one but when you turn your back away is when the fake smile fades and tears of all the built up pain and feelings hit. when I lay in bed the same thing happens, thinking of my life makes me sad. am I embarrassing to my family, am I fat, am I ugly? I just know why I don't feel happy anymore. I don't feel like I could ever tell anyone about how I really feel because they would think im being overdramatic or just wanting attention. but I hide everything from everyone, shut them out, save them the trouble of leaving me later. am I depressed? I don't know, but if I am, that would make me feel better just knowing that im not being overdramatic, that im not looking for attention. that I really am just sad, and tired of everything that is going on that is making my life crappy. I don't ever feel right? why am I 13 and so sad about life, I wish everything could go back to when I was happy and didn't care what the internet thought about me. everyone is done with me, and im ok with that.

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