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compassionate side note

the problem isn't that people have problem but the problem is when people start to shut each other out. so never judge anyone's lives because you never know and everyone has their own vices on how to deal with this thing called life and what it does to each of us along the way. some people have anger, others deal with things differently, some hurt themselves while others each other. will things get better in time? i guess, it doesn't hurt to wish. but it's not expected. for being alright with the now is where it begins. and where that will lead us, nobody knows for sure. of course i'd like to see people healthy and happy. but it's not something that can be forced on someone. i've had my personal experience with stuff and i know few things from it. one, you can't be affected by the world around you, you have to be tough enough to not get derailed. and two, you can't judge anyone especially when you never walked in their shoes.

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