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irrelevent crap

ok I'm here to rant again. this time about another ex boyfriend, yay! (not) anyways this is just me venting about him. first I go to a very very very small private school. there is only 14 people in my class, 8 girls and 6 guys. there is a very small selection lol. so anyways I start liking this guy….. lets call him red. yes he has red hair. well me and red started talking around may I think. he asked me out on the last day of school at the skating rink. honestly, he really was a good first boyfriend at first. I lost feelings for him after a while. I mean we barely saw each other over the summer. I spend 3 weeks at the beach in june so we cant hang out then. I'm super busy in july with horses and everything so we didn't really hang out. By the start of school, I just didn't have feelings for him anymore and I liked someone else. I wrote abut that someone else last night on here. its called you. if u read that one you can tell I'm in 2 completely different moods. ok back to this story/rant, where was I lol? on the third day of school, I broke up with him. he was not happy about it at all. red sent me this LONG ASS paragraph telling me he loves and that he cares about me and at first I felt a little bad but what happens after made me feel not so bad…. so since our class is so small, all of us are friends. so this little heifer (red) starts texting all of my friends and is just talking complete s*** about me. he was calling me a hoe and saying that he hated me and all kinds of crap like that. my friends showed me the texts because they are my best friends and they were pretty pissed. some of my friends were like don't say anything there will be drama but I was like too late theres already drama and I'm not going to sit here and listen to him talk crap about me. so I texted him and pretty much cussed him out and told him that he needs to grow up. he told me to calm down and that he was saying anything about me. after that I just let it go bc I was tired of this bulls***. I just said" whatever have a blessed day." he kept texting me but I ignored it. like maybe 2/3 weeks later, he sent me this long paragraph out of the blue saying that he was sorry and hopes me and that someone else is doing well. forgot to mention in those 2/3 weeks I was talking to that someone else. I cant remember if he had asked me out yet. (irrelevant) so he was pretty sweet about it and we were good with each other for a while. then one of my friends started liking him (don't know why lol) and she told me up front about it. at that time I didn't care at all, like 0 percent. she was like are you sure??? I wont like him if you don't want me too etc. but tbh i did not care at all. I mean I was dating someone else. I said idc whatever but I did warn her about him. they started talking and he asked her out. they dated for like 3 days and my friend broke up with him lol. he was being really weird with her and at her birthday party red started talking about other girls and a bunch of stuff like that. so she was done with him. apparently one of my close guy friends told me red cried after they broke up lol. a couple days go by and they get back together and LITERATLLY LASTED A DAY. (I know I spelled that word wrong, my brain just blanked out lol) so yeah and then he cussed her out and made her feel like crap. I was like ok this is enough its one thing when you mess with me but its another when you start messing with people I love. so I went up to him Friday and I was just like boy please go somewhere… I gave him a long speech calling him out on all the crap hes done. and every time he said something I came back with a comeback. it was hilarious, he finally looked at me and he was like just shut up. and I ended up flicking him off when he walking away. I hope he got the message this time. 🙂 so yeah I was just ranting about this heifer. thanks. – girl who's done with bull s***

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