Site icon Somewhere To Write

I havn’t posted a title. Because I don’t think there is one thsts appropriate. I feel repulsive. Really repulsive. I am selfish, emotional, prone to fits of anger and generally a bad person. I am ugly. I am fat. I dissapear into the background. And noone likes me. Thats why I can’t get a job. Thats why noone recognises me at school or praises me. Thats why my family and thier friends laugh when I cry. Thats why I get rejected right to my face again and again. I want to stop this. Right now. But I don’t have the guts. Yet another personality flaw. And I know if anyone reads this they won’t care. Because, why should you? And I completly understand. And I think you’re right. But for once I wrote this for me. Because I need to clear my head every once in a while, otherwise I think. Why? What about that mistake I made 2 years ago. Why won’t I bleed anymore? Why must I push everyone away? Why can’t I just die? Why am I so pathetic?

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