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that’s all

I know growth takes time. But, I’m f***ing 21–when does my character set in? My smarts, my excitement, my PASSION, when does my beauty shine through without the for aesthetic surface. Where is my PASSION? Everything so dull about me, I can’t even hold a interesting coversation with anyone. I want interesting friends that tell me amazing stories and inspire me. I want an interesting life out of my comfort zone. I want my face to breathe from the hidden surfaces, the my legs to feel the warm air in the summer breeze and wear really short skirts and not feel self-conscious about every f***ing thing about my body. I want to be in love–or like someone a lot just once and them actually liking me back. I want the intelligence of Heromine, and wits of Richard Pryor, and adventorous like Captian Jack Sparrow.
-thats all.

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