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Very Lonely

For the past 4 years I have been single. Prior to that I was in a seven year relationship that started out wonderful and ended badly, just like all my other ones. I just cant seem to stay in a relationship so I choose to remain single. The problem with that is I just sit home every night all alone and watch TV or surf the web. I scared to try another realationship for fear that it will end badly. The problem with all of this is that I am very lonely. I dont work anymore because I did have a very good job which allowed me to retire at an early age, I dont have to work if I dont want to. Some might see this as a blessing but to me its just more lonliness. I even bought a new car thinking it would make me happy but it didnt. I think very soon Im just going to load up my car and head out for parts unknown, just drive during the day and stay wherever I end up for that day. I think this will take my mind away from everything.

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