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Friend group

My friend group don't care about me as much as I do them. And it sucks. If I don't send anything in the gc, no one else will. I feel like they see me as someone who's fun to be friends with in class, but not outside of school. But to me, they're my best friends. For example, one of my best friends had said that we won't stay friends after highschool. She did say that it's because each of us will go our seperate ways, and while it makes sense, I though she'll be my friend for life. Even if we'll be busy, phone-calls exist. Text messages. Hell, even e-mails. There is no problem keeping in touch these days. And she just gave up on our friendship so quickly! like "well, it was nice knowing you, goodbye forever". My mindset is completely different. I value our friendship so much. It just really sucks, having put all of that effort into my friendgroup and them not caring or doing the same. There are more examples but nobody's going to read this, anyway

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