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Goodbye to a Wonderful Dad

Only a few days ago my Dad passed away. Aged 65. We all knew it was coming, he had lung cancer caused by years of smoking. He did the standard stuff, radio therapy, chemo, etc. There was a few months of hope when the cancer went into remission, a scan even showed that it had vanished, confirmed with another scan.

3 weeks later his lungs were riddled with cancer. 3-6 months to live. He fought but it was aggressive, he only just got 3 months. As he died he had a stroke, and eventually his heart failed.

He always liked to plan things and even in his death it seems things were planned. My sister and I went down on the Friday night, had a chance to say what we wanted, he listened, spoke and even joked – never lost his sense of humour. The Saturday came and he became unresponsive. My brother made it to say goodbye. Then Sunday night he went.

Even when your given a time frame, it’s never enough time.

I was so proud to have him as my Dad. I told him this on the Friday night and he smiled. He was kind, loving, rarely raising his voice and always seeing the logic in things. I look at the various other posts on this site and feel so lucky to have had such a caring father… and now he’s gone.

I hear him talking in little things that occur each day. Hear the words he said on how do this or that. I think of him when a song comes on the radio, or when I see a gift he gave me.

I realised how much I’ve tried to be like him through out my life. He was a role model to so many and also to me.

Dad, I’ll miss the times we spent together, the Friday night pizza and freezies. Watching the wrestling, commenting about how it was good acting. Laughing at the antics on the show. I’ll miss the walks to the store when I could talk to you about anything. I’ll miss your crazy sense of humour, the jokes you told with such passion and always getting the punch line right. But most of all I’ll miss just knowing your there if I ever needed you. You were always a rock that could be relied on, always stood strong, but one filled with compassion and love.

I’ll miss you dad probably more than you’ll ever know.

As I grew older we became further apart both by distance and due to other commitments (family, work.. life). It was always so nice just to ring you up and chat to you about things happening around the world. Our talks were always short, but always meant so much to me.

I remember the many times we went to the Crows games, cheering away at our favourite team, you taught be good and bad sportsmanship, how to celebrate and how to have a good time. The chats on the way back from the game, the many things you told me about the world.

It’s sad that life is so short. To anyone reading this, forever cherish the time you have, the people you know, the family you have. When you lose someone you love, you realise a part of you has died as well.

Dad, thank you for being so much a part of my life, you’ll for ever be with me in my heart.

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