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I’m glad my grandfather is dying

When I was a very small child, my grandfather and I were best of friends, he always had time for me and loved me, we'd go on long walks through the bush, and he absolutely doted on me.

When I got a little older, I realised that my grandfather wasn't perfect, he'd sometimes yell, everything had to be his way, and he lost his temper easily. He treated a lot of people like crap at home, but always acted like a saint when non-family members were around.

When I was 10, I was molested by a neighbour, I said nothing…by the time I was 19 I was living with my grandparents because both of my parents had died.

Some time later, that neighbour I was molested by kept coming over the house, it got to a point where I would lock myself in my room or one of the bathrooms every time he came to the door. Eventually I told my grandfather what had happened when I was 10.

He told me that there was nothing he could do about it now, and kept inviting the neighbour over.

Animosity grew between us for years, I treated him like a stranger, and he started sabotaging everything I did, from setting my plants on fire or poisoning them, to letting his dogs into my chicken coop to kill my chickens, ruining my clothes, selling my power tools, putting my own dog's life at risk, posioning my cats "accidentally" and verbally abusing my grandmother if she tried to stick up for me.

My grandmother is the only reason why I've stayed around, she has dementia and I am her carer.

In the last few years my grandfather's health has been declining and he has been in and out of hospital. Two months ago he had a heart attack, a stroke, and has had other complications, and the doctors have given me some kind of indication that he's probably not going to make it.

On top of all of this, he's lost some of his capacity to make decisions, and had to have a public trustee appointed to make medical and financial decisions for him, including decisions about where he's going to live.

He BEGGED me to let him come home and have me care for him…I flatly declined, telling them EVERYTHING he'd done to me and my grandmother, and that I wouldn't even be willing to boil a jug of water for him if he came home, so if he DOES manage to get out of the hospital, he'll be going to a nursing home.

I am overjoyed that he is dying, Im glad it is painful and distressing for him, and I really hope he suffers.

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