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Step 4


I am attempting to do the fourth step and there are some really embarassing things. I don't know why I feel embarassment for other people?

A friend of His pretended to finger His sons diaper through the pampers diapers. The wife saw this and they both looked at each other with a sense of confusion and apathy. Why would he do that? What was the purpose? Is that supposed to be a joke?

Of course he spent some time with the neighborhood child molester. Actually existed in the same house together. What was that about? But it seems like nothing happened between the two men.

When he had his son he was only thirteen. There is so little about existence that has been tapped. Everything is on the horizon. Having a kid at that age, everything has happened and nothing has happened.

His sister in law once said she wanted to kill the baby before it was born. In the womb. He hopes the son didn't hear the language from outside of sphere of the belly.

After the baby was born, the father was beat with an umbrella in the garage. Why was it? Was it because he had spoken with someone on the net? The smiley face. The face before the face. Being caught in the caughtness. Sad. Sad experiencer.

Talk about that. I don't know what part of this is Me. I don't know where the big other starts and I end and vice the versa.

I hope to find out. Perhaps with a willingness on this side of misundertanding, one will be able to achieve a lack of enlightenment for once. Just please, cut the enlightlent. Let it be. Lets experience some solemnity for once.

Praise the anonymous one,

Silently Anonymous,

-The Archer

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