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The World and my Dreams.

So its 1 am and its summer(ovi) and i have this great all big dream moving to Chicago, having a silveralo truck and a white fluffy dog, named fluffy. Oh and to be a PA! But the thing about all of this is that i feeling like ill be all alone. Like im the only one. People my age are out and having fun posting pictures to facebook while im inside on this stupid computer typeing my feelings into this random ass website. Wow my life is pretty intiging. I feel like a loser. I only have a few friend plus im always the new girl in school which doesn’t bother me but no one ever gives me a chance to show them that I am fun!But what I have to learn to be truly happy is that I just Have to accept the fact. Infact, I learned the hard way to truly to be happy and love every minute of your life is to accept yourself for who you are. I know it sounds all cheesy but its easier said then done. It the toughest thing to do. Im still trying to do that now. But pray that I can because for the times that i do accept myself i love life and all smiles. High schoolreally is trying to get people to accept you when really it shoulod be a time to accept yourself and if you think about only the werid people do. And peolpe make fun of those werid people, but hey! There the happiest carefree people I know. I think it might be human nature to try to fit in and stuff but if you think about it what are you trying to fit in with? ovi a group of people who dont accept you if your trying…

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