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I love forever

Watevs…u never loved me and yet u told me u did well wat a f****** lie…there is somebody new now…I’m not sure who (Billy, Maci, Ty) and there is nobody like the girl i think i might like Billy is a jerk, and Ty…well…we never talk so it’s not like he’ll ever find out…ugh….the hardest decision I’ve had in a while…but it’s not like any of them will ever find out and anyways two of them don’t even know I’m Bi and I think they won’t take it well…Maci might b weireded out and Ty would laugh only cause he is different not because he is mean.
Y is this hard for me…o I know it’s cause I like all of them but if I told them they would all flip…lucky for me they don’t know eachother and so on that note I have to go tell my dad to get bread cause I’m hungry and he forgot to last night.
Peace y’all
love ya

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