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One of those teenage rants

i hate my stomach, i’m going to sound like a proper whiney teenager here but i dont care. I’m not fat or overweight but i dont have a flat stomach. There are people with flatter stomachs that are fatter. I have rolls of fat on my stomach. I sound disgusting. I have good boobs and long legs and good hair but the only thing that is stopping me from having a great body is my god damn stomach. I cry about my stomach most days, the only person i have talked about this is to my mum. I’ve lost weight in the last few weeks because i have been going to the gym and exercising but there have been no changes to my stomach. i’m going on holidays with my friend in a month and she has a good body and she’ll be wearing a bikini and i’m going to feel like an idiot wearing my swimtogs everyday. I wish i could tell my close friends but they all have model bodies and they wouldn’t understand. I’m afraid they will think i’m a freak. I think the reason my stomach is like this is because my breasts are so heavy that they weigh down my stomach but i have a friend who has DDs and she has a flat stomach. I am just so frustrated, i feel like nothing will ever change, that i will never change. I feel like no one will ever want to go out with me, kiss me, touch me, have sex with me. I’m afraid the minute he sees my stomach he’ll change his mind. I hate that i left myself get into this state. I always ask, everyday, why me? why does it have to be my stomach that ended up looking this way. i would swap my body with anyone else right now. I must be one of the most insecure people ever. I don’t know what i was expecting to get out of writing this down but i feel a little relieved. I feel like i was holding onto this disgusting secret and i feel a bit better now.

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