Site icon Somewhere To Write


Not even sure where to begin…So I’ll start off with how baffled I am at how indifferent so many on this earth are. I dont understand this indifference, and why so many just do not care about anybody else but their own wants, and desires. Seems to me evil has so deeply entered the hearts and minds of people, that the earth itself cries, and the heavens above. Nearly every night now I stand outside looking upward searching for some sign that we do matter. I look deeply in the stars above with a silent pleading for God to hear my cries. I hurt God, so many of us do. We need you God. I know I cannot live without you. So much has happened God. You know the details, and more importantly you know who I am. My prayer for all of us here on your beautiful creation is that the evil of indifference so many perpetuate on others is shown to those who choose it in a way that they feel the coldness, and lovelessness of it. That they learn through feeling it themselves how pointless and furthest from God’s intent for us that indifference born out of selfishness and greed truly is.
Dear God thank you deeply for the blessings in our lives. Please do not dismiss us God, not all of us are cold indifferent people whoes hearts have become as solid as and cold as stone. Blessed are those who are honest, caring, and compassionate. Blessed are the depressed who have been saddled with the tyranny of others, and blessed are those who truly know what matters in this life. Love is what matters.. without it we see everyday on this earth what happens. I pray for for your love God.

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