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crush on a stranger

I don’t know him, we never met before in m life. But that changed when my mom introduced me to him. I only know his name, and his relationship status. At first I thought he was just nothing, that he was just a guy that my mom plainly introduced to me. But now I THINK I’m wrong. His name is Aron and he has a girlfriend named Krispinah. At first I didn’t really care, but one night I stalked him at facebook just for fun and I also want to know more about him. But I stumbled upon something, It was a picture of him and his girlfriend, at first I was feeling alright then the next thing I know I felt like crying. I don’t know why. He’s cute, funny, and he has a good family background. That night I spent an hour or two stalking his facebook more, and the more I stalk him the more I think I’m starting to like him. I tried telling myself the next day that what I’m feeling isn’t right, cause he has a girlfriend and I was just another girl that he randomly met. The next couple of days I felt normal again but again I saw another new picture of his girlfriend, so to my curiousity I checked her profile. It was fine until I saw her relationship status it’s says “In A Relationship” and that moment I started crying my eyes out, I didn’t even know why. And again after that night I started feeling ok again. But tonight ( may 4 2016) I saw that he changed his profile picture, so I looked at the comments. Her girlfriend commented on it and it says ” Bes “with an heart emoji. I was really confused because he told he that she was his girlfriend and now I saw that they we’re calling each other “Bes”which means best friend/ bestie. Im really confused right now, and I don’t even know what to feel. I mean I’m confused as hell but I”m also jealous, sad, and broken at the same time.

Thanks for taking your time reading this.

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