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Questions to God

In the beginning it is said God made man, but I hope that’s a lie because and hope created God because if not I got some questions

1- Why do you not save your followers? See I remember when I was a kid my best friends mom got cancer and every night he prayed to you fix her, but you just sat there and watched her die and the icing on the cake was she innocent. She was a follower of yours and she sat and prayed everyday yet you laughed and sat on your cloud and watched her die. She prayed for healing until she couldn’t anymore kinda ironic how her last breathes were I’ll see you soon God when you took her lunges.

2- What about children do they matter to you? Because, my Bestfriend had lost his mother at the last number and he went insane. He would swing dance with switchblades after he lost his mother until you sat and watched him drink his pain away and blow out his brains.

3- Do you enjoy ripping families apart? Remember my moms still addicted to cocaine to this day, but somehow she’s shows up at church every Sunday and me and my father hate seeing her face now i love how you laugh as you take her away piece by piece.

4- What about world disasters, because s*** man Katrina was a sick f***ing joke.

5- I thought you were gonna quit letting your boys getting tortured after the story of job and the devil ? I guess I was wrong.

6- Why do you burn man when he loves you and wants to hug you so tightly? See you never hug back and from what I can tell hugging you must feel like hugging on tight to broken class.

7- why all the metaphors and stories to tell people they should be gay hating misogynistic a******s? Yeah dude I f***ing hate your hate book!

8-what’s with you destroying the world all the f***ing time? ever heard of a simple fixer upper before you try and trash the whole damn thing?

9- you know for someone who tells to people to not be egotistical you’re the f***ing biggest egotist I know. What’s up with that?

10- why are you so malevolent?

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