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Lost my mum

It was on the 21-3-15 I lost my 50 year old mum. I’m 15, and at the moment doing my exams at school. My mum was a beautiful woman inside and out, but she had depression which took over her life. Mum was perfect through time, she looked after me, thought of me, cared for me. But once she got bad, it got very bad. Months mum wouldn’t leave her room. I wanted to live with my dad because he could support me but I knew I had to support my mum, which wasn’t a hassle for me, as she was my 1 pride. I one day returned from the horse stables and found my mum, who had unexpectedly passed. Words can’t describe the feeling when you see that. Your bones become weak, your brain can’t focus, it literally felt like I was having an attack. From now I always think of her, the cups of tea she made me, watching the Disney films I used to sing to when I was younger, dancing to our favourite songs. I now feel a lot of pain from the fact I should have been more grateful for her, I should have done more. I know she understands my love for her, and hopefully now she is looking down on me.

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