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Guys why do you have to be so mean?

Guys guys guys!!!
What do you really want?
You pretend like you like a girl so much, care about her and do all the little things every girl would want a guy to do for her.
Those little things make her feel like you are the guy she has been looking for, they make her feel like you care and all that results into developing feelings for you.

Days later when you feel like it’s not working out. You say the words, the most heart breaking words: – I don’t think this is going anywhere and I don’t like u more than a friend.
Seriously? Why? Why didn’t you think about it before flirting with her, trying to kiss her, calling her beautiful and saying she is really nice.

Girls are not toys that you play with and throw away when you are tired of them, they are human beings who have feelings and get hurt.
If only you took at least 10 seconds before doing or saying all that stuff to a girl. Think about if you see yourself with her in the long term, if she’s someone u going to introduce to your friends or even family. If she’s the girl you going to be proud to call your girl and don’t want to see her with anyone else apart from you.

I understand some of you might be like I have just met the girl how can I picture myself with her in the long term, what if she does those annoying things all the time that drive me crazy?
That is acceptable, although lot of people say a guy knows exactly what he wants from a girl the moment he sees her. If that’s the case why mess around with her when you know u just going to use her, she’s not your type and you don’t see yourself with her. Just saying NO to her would solve everything. Of course it will hurt her but then she will know the truth and admit that it will never work out so she moves on. Instead of just playing games with her, make her wonder if there is anything that will happen between you two, make her think about you all the time when you clearly don’t feel the same way and sometimes make her cry when u do those small things that annoy her.

I appreciate guys who are honest, guys who find out that it’s never going to work out and they tell u the truth, they tell u to move on. It hurts knowing the truth but at least you can make a good decision after hearing it. Guys who don’t do that should man up because it hurts more wondering where you stand with a guy. Another thing is if u don’t like a girl just tell her straight away the truth that you don’t like her instead of just ignoring her. Seriously? That’s not the answer to solving your problems. You might think if u spend a week without talking to her she might give up. That’s not how it works, some girls don’t give up easily, she will wonder every single day what she did that made u ignore her and she will start feeling guilty thinking she did something wrong but when it’s just you who’s not being a man enough to say the truth.

This goes to all guys out there, some girls get hurt easily. All you just have to say is the truth instead of being mean and heartless, don’t be a coward because you make girls hate u more and more every single day. Think about it guys, think very carefully before trying anything with a girl. Thank you.

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