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Hope & Change

We all have out days when hope is lost, where we consider it to be a bad day and that there’s no changing that. Today was one of those days for me ,But something positive came it all. I’ve always said everything happens for a reason and now I truly believe it. The bad times make us stronger and through the good times we are allowed to enjoy our new found strength. I’m not saying there are not times when we are shaken to our very core and that those very moments may not only rip us apart ,but it’s when we rise from those pains, from those moments that challenge every fiber of who you thought you are that we become something different, a changed person. Change gives us something to look forward to a hope that we may ride above who we already are and become a greater person from it all.
All I’m really trying to say is look forward to the future what may seem impossible at this momet may very well define you as a person later in life.

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